Thanks Byron
Yes... the brown clumps are what I have presumed are some type of brown algae.. the smae stuff is on the lants and also stuck to the glass, but it has wiped off easily and have knocked it off the plants/ sand and then caught it in a fish net so the amounts in the tank now are minimal again.
as long as it isnt anything to worry about I will just wipe it off every other day and fish around for the floating bits.
I dont want to put any fish in to deal with it as none of them are ones I plan to stock once the tank is more mature. But a few snails may be manageable as long as they arent breeders!!![]()
I don't know what this stuff is, but it doesn't sound like a problem.
Many are confused when it comes to snails. These little fellows are the aquarist's best friend really. The Malaysian Livebearers will burrow throughout the substrate, keeping it "fresh" and thus benefiting the plants and bacteria living down there. They also browse the biofilms that develop on all surfaces under water, grazing algae and microscopic critters. I don't have a tank without MLS and pond snails, and in some there are hundreds and even thousands.
Snails will multiply according to the food available. But this is all the food I mentioned...algae, fish excrement (they eat all of this), dead plant bits, as well as excess fish food. I feed my fish very minimally, and I know there is no "excess" food from me, yet I have so many snails. It is because they are eating all that natural food, which as I mentioned previously breaks the organics down faster so the bacteria and plants can use them.