new 10g tank

Inchworm said:
ryansfish5g said:
Another question; my 5 gallon tank stays around 75-83 degrees, usually close to the middle of that.  Do I need a heater for it?  also, would the 10 gallon be different?  do I need a heater for it?  I will get the filter and a thermometer today!
Hi ryansfish5g :)

If the temperature varies that much, it would be a good idea to have heaters.

While the temperature range is ok, the real problem is that there could be a sudden drop in temperature from the highest to the lowest. This is more dangerous to the fish than the cooler temperature. It weakens them and could result in an outbreak of ich or other disease. :eek:

IMHO, keeping the temperature steady is the most important thing. :nod:
Good Point, I will buy some heaters....does anyone reccomend a particular brand?
ryansfish5g said:
is this guy healthy? are those shiny scales normal? and the red around the gill area??
OoOoo OOoo I know those fishies! Rosy Rasobora Barbs right?? Right??
Those fish are definetly Rosy barbs. I have 2 of them and their scales are irredesant. I love mine. they are really active and the two of them get into some pretty incredible sparring matches!
The temp should be at about 75-78 constantly. As for the heater, just get a 50 watt. I usually buy which ever is the cheapest submersible one.

Rosy barbs are very cute but they need more plants. Dont by real because they will eat them. You could add one or two more rosey barbs to that tank. Those two look already full grown. Why did the relative keep the tank dirty? How mean...

I used to have two rosey barbs and two gold barbs. They were very cute. You could also get a tiger barb, green barb, or albino barb. But not all of them lol! I think you should add two more barbs and you will have a cool fully stocked tank!
I ended up getting the penguin bio-wheel mini today b/c petsmarts was out of the 125!!! but it still does 100GPH which should be plenty. I also got a thermometer, and yeah, I definitely need a heater; I am embarassed to say the temp is at 73....I will hit petsmart up again tommorrow.

SO I guess I will probably keep the rosy barbs, how would they do with 3 or 4 cories? Is there anything that would go well with barbs besides other barbs? I also thought about 2 green tiger barbs....I will make sure the tank is cycling properly before I add anything, of course.

CHECK out my testing on my 5 gallon results, bio-spira works!:
5 gallon cycle testing thread in begginner area

now I want another tank to put a puffer friends already think I am crazy(0 to 2 tanks in less than 2 weeks), I am addicted! If I didn't have my fiance to stop me, I would probably have 10 aquariums by now....

those cant be goldies,

anyway (ttalk about stating the obvious -_- ) getr a heater quick! :-( i love the fish
in the 10 gallon tank, add anything that stats small,

i think u should get maybe guppies or neons or some platies,

find out how big a barb grows and then use the 1 inch per gallon rule, if the barbs grow to like 3 inches u could add about 4 more small fish,

u find out :cool:
hey ryan ynot add the glowlight tetra from the 5 g in there and add some more of them with him in the 10 g and add some more fish in the 5 gallon ?
Found this so thought you would like to read it:

Barbs - Several readily available species of Barbs are tolerant of temperatures into the mid sixties, or even lower. All are easy to care for, and are suitable for a community aquarium. They include: the Gold Barb (Barbus schuberti), the Green Barb (Barbus semifasciolatus), the Rosy Barb (Barbus conchonius), and the Two Spot Barb (Barbus ticto).
DON'T ADD ANY OF THOSE FISH!!!!!!!!!!!! (swordtails, guppies)

Anything with a long tail wont have one for long if you put it with a barb. Barbs are netorious (sp) for being fin nippers. Barbs do well with other barbs and well, other barbs. They all look different so just get a different barb. Also with the glow lights, they really need to be in a group of five or more and barbs might pick on them or try to eat them. Especially if they are as big as they look in the picture!

Also, why didn't the relative have a heater, filter, airation or anything? Did they just not know? I'm glad you took them. Now they have a much better life. Who knows what would have happened to them if it wasn't for you... :rip:
Auratus said:
DON'T ADD ANY OF THOSE FISH!!!!!!!!!!!! (swordtails, guppies)

Anything with a long tail wont have one for long if you put it with a barb. Barbs are netorious (sp) for being fin nippers. Barbs do well with other barbs and well, other barbs. They all look different so just get a different barb. Also with the glow lights, they really need to be in a group of five or more and barbs might pick on them or try to eat them. Especially if they are as big as they look in the picture!

Also, why didn't the relative have a heater, filter, airation or anything? Did they just not know? I'm glad you took them. Now they have a much better life. Who knows what would have happened to them if it wasn't for you... :rip:
I could see these barbs being fin nippers, yes they are that big! It's not a camera trick. I really think if I put 2 other barbs in this tank it would be full.

Oh, my relative did have all that stuff....but it was covered in calcium buildup, algae, and general gunk. The heater looked in pretty bad shape on the inside too, kind of rusty. I don't mind buying new stuff, at least I got the aquarium, hood/light, gravel, and fixtures for free.

As for why they kept it that way: Well, they actually got it from someone else, and said it was way cleaner than when they got it... So, I can't really blame them, they just didn't know how to care for it. Not everyone reads 10 hours a day like I do. It is kind of sad, there are probably a lot of people out there that don't know how to properly care for their tanks.

Thanks for the comments Auratus.
akhtar said:
hey ryan ynot add the glowlight tetra from the 5 g in there and add some more of them with him in the 10 g and add some more fish in the 5 gallon ?
good thought, but I really think these barbs are tooo big to be with tetras. I could easily see them picking and nipping at tetras...

This reminds me of another thing I have been tetra always kind of hangs around the guppy, even imitating the guppies he schooling with the guppy?

The tetra does nip at the guppy ocassionally, but the guppy takes it in stride and couldn't be happier. He is tooo fast for the tetra, and pretty much always gets away.

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