New 100L Tank - What Fish?

Oswegofish said:
Not ture my dwarf dose great and gets food and I have other fish with him
As this website suggests, you need to ensure that the frog is eating.  It can't be assumed.
Any type of tropical community tank fish. Tetras, barbs, live bearers, etc. Just make sure your frog is getting his share of the food and that none of the fish are picking on the dwarfs.
Also, I would not recommend this to someone who has not kept either the frogs, or the fish before.  Its just not a 'best practice', which is what we always strive to recommend on this forum.  A lot of people have managed to be 'successful' (as defined by surviving, not thriving) with a myriad of set-ups that would not be described as ideal.  But, just because some folks have managed to avert disaster with poor stocking choices, does not mean that it should be recommended to do it that way to new folks.  Fishkeepers (or any pet keeper for that matter) should always involve striving to provide the absolute best conditions possible for our pets, not merely what pleases our eyes, or will provide them with the basics for survival.   
The closing note on that particular website states this: 
I strongly suggest keeping African Dwarf Frogs in a tank by themselves. They are much easier to observe and more active when in their own tank. I personaly[sic] think they do better off in their own tank with other dwarfs as company. I keep my dwarfs in a tank to themselves with a few otto cats for algea[sic] clean up, it is a great setup and the frogs are thriving.

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