Never Switching Lights Off Again

it seems to be ok this morning, he moved back to hes old spot and is opening again...

i cant think why i would not be honest about fishkeeping dont really see why i will need to do it, if i make a mistake or do something stupid i need to know,thats the only way to learn.

Yeah but the great thing about this hobby is that other people have already made that mistake and have taught other people not to make it. This way instead of everyone making the same mistake and the hobby never advancing, we can humanely teach each other whats right and whats wrong. If no one listened to other peoples solutions to mistakes, then this forum and other forums wouldnt be successful.
i was just browsing this topic and it seems that pengy666 thinks he is lieng and that he killed it or someting, anywase pengy you seem like your not trusting him and that you think he will kill everything he touches.
and i must add, if making mistakes is the only way to learn, why do we have teachers in school?

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