Never have I ever...


New Member
Nov 15, 2020
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Ok. So I figured we should put our worst things up that we have done and if you are sat with a beer in hand you should drink (responsibly) if you have done the same thing....

My worst... Accidentally killed a Cory with a gravel vac.

Pushed it into the gravel behind the air stone and stopped as a peppered Cory swam under. It was still alive but wouldn't stay upright. I had hoped it would recover but alas no such luck.
I accdentally killed one of my danioes doing a water change. I didn't notice he had somehow gotten caught in the vacuum sucked out of the tank and ended up in the bucket. I wasn't until I went out side and pored the water out of the bucket that I saw him. Poor thing flopped around on the ground, so I picked him up putting him back in the tank, but he didn't survive dying that night. I guess the shock was to much for him, or he was injured.
I may have accidentally sucked up a baby guppy once. I'm still not quite sure if I did, or if she just died and the body was eaten before I found it. Anyway, I did a water change and the next day I couldn't find her anywhere in the tank.
Killed a male agassizzi's apisto during a water change - he was sucked up and seriously injured in the siphon tube. I had to stop removing water and get out the clove oil he was so bad :(

Sliced my hand on a reflector and had to stop in the middle of a water change to clean it and put a plaster on, then continued the water change to remove my blood from the water.

Emptied the old water then used a stanley knife to remove the dead suckers from the filter bracket and seriously damaged my finger - and finished the water change one handed which took forever (and resulted in a trip to urgent care and course of antibiotics next day)
Put 2 Bala sharks in a 35 gallon tall hex tank. In a year or two when they grew very large, they decided there was more room outside the tank and they knocked off the cover and landed on the floor. I found them dead a few hours later. They won't do that again :lol: ............ Live and learn.
Poured a refill bucket into a tank that i forgot to take the lid off.

Water did not go in the tank.

that’s sounds like something I would do! Haha, I won’t now though, knock on wood.

My turn... unclamped my canister before depressurizing the in/out hoses.

first and only time I make that mistake... good time to plug the always have multiple towels on hand piece of advice...
Didn't check the temperature of my water before doing a water change and shocked the entire tank. It was like fish Armageddon. Fish were running into the walls, darting and trying to jump out. I remember one fish took a nose dive and tried to literally burrow through the bottom of the tank. This was a White skirted tetra. It was crazy to say the least. Oddly enough the white Tetra lived
Didn't check the temperature of my water before doing a water change and shocked the entire tank. It was like fish Armageddon. Fish were running into the walls, darting and trying to jump out. I remember one fish took a nose dive and tried to literally burrow through the bottom of the tank. This was a White skirted tetra. It was crazy to say the least. Oddly enough the white Tetra lived

Yea that’s a tough one I did way back in the day.

I am very consistent in checking my source water parameters, so temperature is my biggest concern during water changes.

but I’ll take a drink to that one.
When I was a kid, we had a den, and in the corner was a stand with my two aquariums on it.
I also had a skateboard, it was winter, and the den was the only room in the house with a smooth floor.
I don't really need to go into any more detail, do I?
Setting up my tank with zero research and going with store advice. We that meant my fish in cycle crash killed 2 angel fish, 1 black molly, 1 betta, 2 neon tetra, 2 platy. Pretty from intro fish keeping.
I once killed an entire tank of tiger barbs by forgetting I lived in a place that has cold water. We moved house and my brain somehow went *ping* and forgot it was fall/winter and that the tap water would be freezing. Shocked them all dead.

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