Never Buying Another

:rip: Graslendi

Seriously though Wolf, I can understand if bettas just aren't your thing, but if you do like them and aren't afraid to try again, I'd be happy to send you one for the cost of shipping (~$4) come warmer weather. I've got a spawn of plakat marbles right now, some of which will be copper and/or doubletail, and then there's that spawn of long-finned copper combtails jollysue mentioned... come on, I know you totally want one :hey:

They'd be healthier than pet store bettas usually are and you'd know exactly how old they are so you wouldn't accidentally buy a fish that's already geriatric... <pushing bettas on you like a crack dealer>
Anyway, here's the father of my current spawn... just think about it ;)

Nice... Did you breed them already or are you getting them ready to spwan?Let's say someone I know got dibs. :shifty: ... LOL...JK. Im in the process of making a sorority tank when I get the tank to put them in.

:rip: Graslendi. Hope you dont give up on Betta-Keeping. :thumbs:

-Arrowhead :ninja:
Arrowhead -- They've already spawned; the fry will be 2 weeks old on Monday ;)
ooooo... How many are there? :shifty: ...I might just come there and steal them all... hahahaha, JK. But that does seem weird to say that. Im not a stalker. Or maybe I am. -_- . Im not sure.

-Arrowhead :ninja:
I'd be happy to send you one for the cost of shipping (~$4) come warmer weather.
Unfortunately The-Wolf is in the United Kingdom and importation of fish are illegal unless going DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) - which is not an easy thing to do.
JollySue- Yes "JK" stands for Just Kidding.

I wonder why its so easy to send in packages from outside the U.S to inside. But I still think some packages do get sent back maybe because of the same reason. *sigh*

-Arrowhead :ninja:
Oh, Yeah, forgot, bummer...It's all those US football stats :p

So get on board with the Betta folk in the UK. :D

Who's the girl from the UK club does the rescues?

Arrowhead, it's actually not that easy. That's why there is a third party, a trans shipper, to move the fish through the redtape, and it costs more to ship Thai fish to us. It would cost more but several shippers get together to keep the costs to the States down as I understand it. From ral I think
Oh, Yeah, forgot, bummer...It's all those US football stats :p

So get on board with the Betta folk in the UK. :D

Who's the girl from the UK club does the rescues?

Arrowhead, it's actually not that easy. That's why there is a third party, a trans shipper, to move the fish through the redtape, and it costs more to ship Thai fish to us. It would cost more but several shippers get together to keep the costs to the States down as I understand it. From ral I think

Ooooo... Now I get it. Well that clears up the whole thing with shipping. Thx

-Arrowhead :ninja:
I'd be happy to send you one for the cost of shipping (~$4) come warmer weather.
Unfortunately The-Wolf is in the United Kingdom and importation of fish are illegal unless going DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) - which is not an easy thing to do.
Ah crap, I keep forgetting that not everyone on this forum is from the USA (how typically American of me :rolleyes:)

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