Netcode's 60 Gallon Journal

Looks awsome, and it just goes to show what can be done even with a low tech setup :)

So you just use root tabs, Seachem Flourish once a week, and Seachem Excell every 2 days with 1.2wpg?
Looks awsome, and it just goes to show what can be done even with a low tech setup :)

So you just use root tabs, Seachem Flourish once a week, and Seachem Excell every 2 days with 1.2wpg?

i thought it was flourish excel, anyhow 1.2wpg is good for those plants, i unerstand u want to lower ur lighting, maybe posting a pic of ur tank in ur thread could help us tell u if u should or should not do wat u wanna do,
honestly thats a great lookin tank, very very natural looking

awesome :good:
Looks awsome, and it just goes to show what can be done even with a low tech setup :)

So you just use root tabs, Seachem Flourish once a week, and Seachem Excell every 2 days with 1.2wpg?
Thanks, I do strongly believe you can achieve the same results in a low tech that you can achieve in a high tech setup. Just depends on your choice of plants and what you do with your tank.

I don't even use root tabs, if I did I am sure there would be even more results, especially with my swords. I think i will definatley start using root tabs eventually. I would recommend them and now i am wondering why I haven't started using them yet.

I do use Flourish but I use it twice a week, once after a water change and once in the middle of the week. And yes I use seachem's excel (its actually "Flourish Excel" but whatever) every 2nd day. The excel is a little on the pricey side as I have to use it every 2nd day, which is actually less then the recommended dose. If i stuck with the recommended dosage i would run through a bottle close to every month, so I may switch over to a very simple DIY co2 system but for now I will stick with the Seachem Excel. Now as for the flourish, one bottle is going to last me approx 6 months, for 13 bucks that isn't bad.

omg jaws looks scary.... nice tank though, itll look great wen that java moss spreads

Thanks, the Java moss was much thicker and spread out a lot more. But unfortunatley I have been fighting a battle with BGA and it really attacked my java moss. I would say 90% of the BGA build up was on my moss, so the other day I cut it all back. It will grow back soon though, java moss is pretty vigorous.

thank you too jaws and biods for the complements.
Looking good, the rotala looks excellent behind the wood, really nice colour and shape to it :)

Looking good, the rotala looks excellent behind the wood, really nice colour and shape to it :)


thanks :)

its actually hygrophila polysperma, at least thats what i was told by the lfs, and rotala seems to have strange round leaves near the bottom of the plant. the shape of this plant really impresses me as well, the leaves will stick right up mid afternoon and eventually start to flaten out. it seems to really appretiate the addition of the organic carbon to the tank.
...and you were worried your hygro wasn't tall enough :lol: Look at it now! And don't worry, your java moss will grow back in no time.

Btw, if you don't mind me "messy" are the tiger barbs? I'm considering them for my tank upgrade (next year...hopefully), but I'm not sure if they're poop machines....

after the addition of the flourish and flourish excel the hygro really started to shoot up :) I am super happy with the results. Soon enough it will be time to cut and replant.

As for the tiger barbs.. I don't really know how messy they are as I don't have anything to compare them to. This is my first tank I have ever kept and I have pea gravel(large stuff) so alot of it goes right down to the bottom. Now when i clean the tank out with the syphon I do find I suck up a lot of waste, wether or not that is because I have 23 fish or because I have 12 tiger barbs i am not sure. I would say they don't seem to be overly messy, i am only saying that because I haven't had any issues with fish waste. I would recommend tiger barbs they are very active and don't bother any of the other fish, the only thing is they do like to nip on plants if they aren't fed enough and they tend to eat a lot.
Once again here are some more photos. I have been using excel for a few weeks now just the same as flourish. Seems like i am getting good results. Unfortunatley my swords are still slacking, as you see they are in the foreground too which prolly isn't the best idea but at the time i didn't know anything about plants. I just trimmed the anacharis, I cut it in half and replanted. It was really taking over the tank, this plant grows super fast. I am nearing the time to also cut my polysperma. The java moss isn't doing to well, I cut alot of it away due to BGA issues in the past few weeks. I am thinking about getting rid of it totally and putting some anubias nana on the piece of drift wood, what do you all think? I think it would look really good there in front of the polysperma. The corkscrew vallis seems to just be getting a hold now and it spitting out a few new plants. The normal vallis is doing great, its spitting out side shoots every few days. I had to cut the one or the right as it was sending out far too many runners. Also its placement isn't the best because behind it I have a sword and a patch of sagittaria. I am sure the place ment issues will be fixed up sooner or later. I do have a question though about moving established plants, is there some way to lower the stress the plants take? and will it hurt them to the point of death?

Anyways let me know what you think. I included 3 pics.




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