Net Cleaning


New Member
Sep 7, 2005
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I was wondering how other people clean their nets. I had been using just v hotwater but want something that will actually clean and kill any bacteria. I was about to buy a net cleaner at the store today, however none of the workers could find a price for it and I ended up leaving w/o it. So I was wondering if there were any home products that anyone uses?
I too use hotwater, and have had no probs.

In the LFS they have a poly bin they fill with something-or-other and dip all the nets in it. This is more praticable if you have to clean a lot of nets quickly.

Don't use detergent/bleach unless you are prepared to rinse a million times, or want dead fish....................................
I use a bucket of water with two milton steralizing tablets in. It is a bleach but very weak and all I do is dip the nets in the milton bucket then rinse with cold water. This tip was one given to me several years ago by a LFS and I have never had any problems.
I don't clean my nets all I do is sit it on a paper towel and let it dry.
Thanx for the replies, I wasn't sure about bleech and was afraid to try it!

I haven't had any problems with em but wasn't sure if they were clean enough with just hot water.

Buy some ick medicine and use that to make a dip bucket like they do in pet stores. Its actually pretty much the exact same stuff they use in most pet stores. It usually lasts a few weeks if you want to have it ready continually and has the added benefit of keeping the nets from getting dry and harsh on fishes scales.

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