Nervous Embers


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I have 10 or so Ember Tetras that seem to be staying very close to the bottom of the tank, amongst all the decor that I have in the tank. I am adding some more wood put into the tank over the next few days and that will add some height to the tank so I am hoping that will drag them out a bit. I have added some oak leaves in and the tank is very tannined up that should suit the Embers and also the Corydoras that are in there.

Any ideas or should I just keep doing what I am doing?
I have 10 or so Ember Tetras that seem to be staying very close to the bottom of the tank, amongst all the decor that I have in the tank. I am adding some more wood put into the tank over the next few days and that will add some height to the tank so I am hoping that will drag them out a bit. I have added some oak leaves in and the tank is very tannined up that should suit the Embers and also the Corydoras that are in there.

Any ideas or should I just keep doing what I am doing?
i would add a few long have you had them? ive had mine for a week or so...and theyre a little shy but will come out and see me whilst im looking at the tank.

i also had some a few years ago that were outgoing...but they were always kept in a planted tank.
I thought the plants would make a difference but I am a stickler for biotopes and this spcies does not really encounter plants in it's natural environment. I'm going to give it a whirl with some more wood and start adding a blackwater extract over the next few days to see how they get on. They seem to be feeding OK so guessing they just like the feel of the leaves and wood as they are at the minute and would probably like some more!!

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