Nerite Snails questions & Cracked Snail Shell

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BaylorPerez said:
i dont know what Gh and Kh is but i can give you my ammonia and nitrite/nitrate levels and Ph
Ammonia .25Ppm
Nitrite 1.0Ppm
Nitrate 5.0Ppm
Ph 7.6
Fish and plants
5 Albino corys 
3 Planted Enchrycids( forgot how to spell)
when i do my water changes thats when i add the prime(seacham) at 1Mls per 5gals added and i take out around 10gals(reccomended 5Mls per 200Ls)
I add the plant food everyday at about 2Mls per day, as to promote plant growth rather than the 5Mls per week (reccomended 5Mls per 10gals per week or smaller doses per day)
Ammonia and Nitrite are higher than they should be for a cycled tank.  I would agree with RainbowBacon that there are cycling problems here.  The question is why and how can we get your cycle to complete.  How long has this tank been up and running with the current filter and substrate?
What sort of filter is on there (brand, type, recommended capacity and filter media please)?
What is the capacity of this tank?
What is the frequency of water changes and how much water do you change?
Is it only Prime and Plant food you add?  No other chemical agents?
How much food are you adding?  Does it tend to hang around into the next day?
Far_King said:
i dont know what Gh and Kh is but i can give you my ammonia and nitrite/nitrate levels and Ph
Ammonia .25Ppm
Nitrite 1.0Ppm
Nitrate 5.0Ppm
Ph 7.6
Fish and plants
5 Albino corys 
3 Planted Enchrycids( forgot how to spell)
when i do my water changes thats when i add the prime(seacham) at 1Mls per 5gals added and i take out around 10gals(reccomended 5Mls per 200Ls)
I add the plant food everyday at about 2Mls per day, as to promote plant growth rather than the 5Mls per week (reccomended 5Mls per 10gals per week or smaller doses per day)
Ammonia and Nitrite are higher than they should be for a cycled tank.  I would agree with RainbowBacon that there are cycling problems here.  The question is why and how can we get your cycle to complete.  How long has this tank been up and running with the current filter and substrate?
What sort of filter is on there (brand, type, recommended capacity and filter media please)?
What is the capacity of this tank?
What is the frequency of water changes and how much water do you change?
Is it only Prime and Plant food you add?  No other chemical agents?
How much food are you adding?  Does it tend to hang around into the next day?
filter --- Quietflow 40Gal filter, Medium filter(carbon Filter) reccommended 40gal tank but i run it in a 20gal tank
Capacity tank should be around 10 fish(depending on max size of fish)
water changes every 2 days, taking 20-40% out every other day.
Prime and the plant food i add when changing water. if i add fish i add StressZyme and StressCoat. but thats only when adding new fish to the tank
I add around 2-3 algae wafers with spiruna algae, and Blanched lettuce leaves, lettuce hangs around as my snails and albino corys eat on it slowly, when the starts to decompose i take it out before it gets to decompose to much
Regarding the acclimation you mentioned before. What method do you approach acclimating new livestock with?
Thirty minut s is rather short, personally, I let livestock acclimate for an hour or two, using the drip method, about 2-3 per second.
its every 2-3 minutes i pour some of the tank water into the fish bag repeat for about 30 mins
Exactly how much do you pour in and how much water are the fish given to start out with? 2-3 minutes is a bit quick.

I would advise you to use the drip method. It's very easy and a lot more effective.
All you need is airline tubing and a airstone (optional). Creating a siphon that travels through the tube and into the pitcher or container, whatever your new livestock are in. Tie a knot at the end to let water simply drip. Everytime the water line fills up half way more than it already was, use a turkey baster to take half that water out. Repeat as needed for anywhere from an hour to two hours. And try to keep it dark, so the fish aren't stressed.
As i have read more about the nerite snails i have been getting, i noticed that it said they remain idle for long periods of time on hard surfaces. As both of my new nerites seem to feed/move during the time when i sleep does this mean that they know when im awake?, and when im asleep as i can see one of them always move when i wake up. 
So i guess my question is, is an idle snails a happy snail? or atleast healthy as to which i described, as they move when im asleep(one of them does atleast) and the other one stays in the dark area of my tank(one that has the eggs on it).
I'm a little late to the party, but most people call them trapdoors because of Asian trapdoor snails (Chinese mystery snails)  
You got new snails even though your tanks are having cycling issues and after you've just had massive die off...?
BaylorPerez said:
 does this mean that they know when im awake?, and when im asleep as i can see one of them always move when i wake up. 
Yes, and they know if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!
I would have tried a cheaper snail or a more lively snail to determine if the tank is safe
they were free snails, replacement from previous issues with their fish. plus a guy at the store knows me XD. And OH no ive been a bad boy XD. and besides my tank is 0 ammonia .25 nitrite, and 1.0 Nitrate now. so its safe for a short time being.
BaylorPerez said:
they were free snails, replacement from previous issues with their fish. plus a guy at the store knows me XD. And OH no ive been a bad boy XD. and besides my tank is 0 ammonia .25 nitrite, and 1.0 Nitrate now. so its safe for a short time being.
0.25 ppm nitrite is not safe.
No animals should be in the tank until it is fully cycled. Especially invertebrates. Snails are less likely to survive than other creatures in an un-cycled tank. 
We had warned you not to place anymore livestock until everything regarding water parameters were completely safe, even the smallest reading of nitrite can be harmful to a living creature. If that snail dies because of nitrite poisoning, it's going to make things worse than they already are. I assume you tested after a water change? Since you mentioned that you've been having to do major water changes lately because of your cycling issue, which is probably why your ammonia levels are low for the time being. 
Don't place anymore livestock, for the sake of those living creatures, wait until your tank is completely cycled. This means a stable pH, GH, KH (GH and KH test solutions can be cheaply purchased from Amazon, it's a wise investment). Ammonia and nitrite should be at zero, without having to do daily water changes to keep those levels down. We've warned you time after time about the issues of keeping live stock in an unstable tank, but yet, you ignore our advice and continue to place livestock in your tank. Please... think of the harm you're putting those creatures in, don't let anymore suffer. I'm sorry if I sound a bit rough on you, but whatever advice we give is never taken, and more and more animals have to suffer in those harmful conditions. You need to be patient and when it comes to this hobby.
What did you use to test the parameters? Do you have a test kit or the test strips?
I have always found that a snail that is staying stationary or only moving a little is either not a happy snail or is actually dying.
Being an unestablished tank and uncycled I am guessing that your nerites are unable to find enough suitable food and are slowly starving to death.

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