BaylorPerez said:i dont know what Gh and Kh is but i can give you my ammonia and nitrite/nitrate levels and Ph
Ammonia .25Ppm
Nitrite 1.0Ppm
Nitrate 5.0Ppm
Ph 7.6
Fish and plants
5 Albino corys
3 Planted Enchrycids( forgot how to spell)
when i do my water changes thats when i add the prime(seacham) at 1Mls per 5gals added and i take out around 10gals(reccomended 5Mls per 200Ls)
I add the plant food everyday at about 2Mls per day, as to promote plant growth rather than the 5Mls per week (reccomended 5Mls per 10gals per week or smaller doses per day)
Ammonia and Nitrite are higher than they should be for a cycled tank. I would agree with RainbowBacon that there are cycling problems here. The question is why and how can we get your cycle to complete. How long has this tank been up and running with the current filter and substrate?
What sort of filter is on there (brand, type, recommended capacity and filter media please)?
What is the capacity of this tank?
What is the frequency of water changes and how much water do you change?
Is it only Prime and Plant food you add? No other chemical agents?
How much food are you adding? Does it tend to hang around into the next day?