Nerite snails and assassin snails


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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So... I was wondering... Is putting assassin snails and nerve snails murder or can they coexist?? I wanted like two assassin snails to eat the pest snails but I like nerites cause they will eat algae.
Do they also eat shrimp? Stupid question probably but still...
What are Neeite and nerve snails? 😂

To answer your question, I would not trust assassins with any snails you want to keep alive. They may kill and eat the nerite.
What are Neeite and nerve snails? 😂

To answer your question, I would not trust assassins with any snails you want to keep alive. They may kill and eat the nerite.
Hmm ok. Thank you.

Sorry 😅 my device auto corrected nerite to nerve and that was a typo on neeite 😅
Assassin snails generally prey on smaller snails such as malaysian trumpets and ramshorns but some say they can take out larger snails in groups although i think that must be rare.

Ive got Nerites and Assassin snails together with no issues but they would never need to tackle larger nerites when trumpets are plentiful in my tanks.

healthy shrimps are in no danger from assassin snails as their to quick.
Assassin snails generally prey on smaller snails such as malaysian trumpets and ramshorns but some say they can take out larger snails in groups although i think that must be rare.

Ive got Nerites and Assassin snails together with no issues but they would never need to tackle larger nerites when trumpets are plentiful in my tanks.

healthy shrimps are in no danger from assassin snails as their to quick.
That's great to hear! I may try to have them coexist. Don't assassin snails eat left over food as well?
That's great to hear! I may try to have them coexist. Don't assassin snails eat left over food as well?
Yes they will eat left overs, graze on algae and biofilm aswel. Their not fussy eaters for sure.

Babies are cute too lol
Yes they will eat left overs, graze on algae and biofilm aswel. Their not fussy eaters for sure.

Babies are cute too lol
That's awesome! So they take care of a lot then... Thank you for your experience!
So... I was wondering... Is putting assassin snails and nerve snails murder or can they coexist?? I wanted like two assassin snails to eat the pest snails but I like nerites cause they will eat algae.
Do they also eat shrimp? Stupid question probably but still...
Nerites are not ideal food for an assassin but if worse comes to worst there are reports of multiple assassins ganging up on a single nerite.
Nerites are not ideal food for an assassin but if worse comes to worst there are reports of multiple assassins ganging up on a single nerite.
That would suck... I guess it's a cross your fingers type of thing? 😅
I wouldn't do it. I tried it and a single assassin was latched onto my nerite for an extended period trying to kill it. Had to rescue and separate it. I have more than one tank so what I do now is rotate the snails back and forth between tanks to alternately help control algae and pond snails, but not at the same time in the same tank.
I wouldn't do it. I tried it and a single assassin was latched onto my nerite for an extended period trying to kill it. Had to rescue and separate it. I have more than one tank so what I do now is rotate the snails back and forth between tanks to alternately help control algae and pond snails, but not at the same time in the same tank.
Interesting... Really seems like a hit and miss kinda deal then... Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt

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