

Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi ive got sum tetras and they have started to swim in front of my fluval duo filter and get pushed away i dont know if they like it but they are doing it alot.
Like swimming where the water comes into the tank our of the filter?
yes thas it got any ideas why they are acting so bizare
Some fish like currents, like the burmese loach likes a little bit of a current. To be totally honest I've never kept Neons (never cared for them much :dunno: )

My one Rosy Barb was doing what you are describing and she died the next day. :dunno:
Uusally neon tetra's don't like strong currents, can you post water stats to make sure water quality is fine.
Are all the fish in your profile in that tank? If so, you really have an awful lot of fish in there. Neons are sensitive to Nitrogen pollution, and in a heavily stocked smallish tank, spikes are by no means uncommon.

Have you done anything to the tank recently? Cleaned the filter or anything?
My neons do this occasionally, but generally avoid the flow. How is the flow from your filter? Could be a sign that it is restricted or insufficient since the neons would generally avoid it if it were strong.

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