

Sep 19, 2005
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a few of my neons are acting strange... they swim in the left side of the tank, just the two of them and 1 will dart at the other and swim away and the other will give chace then turn and then so on and so on for a few mins...

What on earth are they doing??


Hi this is strange behavior first of all what is the ph levl for your tank if it is any were higher than 7.0 you have a problem neons are use to very low ph levels and will not tolerat higher ph levles than 7.0 and if this may not help your prblem i suggest fish moss to lower it. One more thing are your neons in an dark area if they are not i sugget taping a black backround arountd the tank this might solve you problem hope i helped . :ninja:
The water up here is great, Soft and slightly acidic. My Blue rams are doing fine so wont be the water.

The tank has a black background and on the right side of the tank there is floating plants which makes it darker on that side...

Yeah maybe somebody knows the answer to that one. I've got 5 Neons in my large tank and generally they are fairly quiet, more or less schooling but sometimes one goes off exploring and then two go bananas and start chasing each other. I just figured they were showing off how disgustingly healthy and full of energy they are, compared to me! :p
i wouldnt say they are old really, ivr had them like 2 weeks but b4 that :S?? that are about 2~3 Cm in length tho
what size tank are they in?

mine do that, neon tag it is.
but their tank is too small (they're moving to a 15 gallon when it's cycled) so they'll calm down then.
lol its a 45gallon tank and yeah its like tag! Rather fun to watch but was gettin a little worried
>>> and will not tolerat higher ph levles than 7.0

Most Neons sold today have come from farms. They are raised in regular water and are held in whatever tapwater the lfs has at it's disposal. Most aquarists then keep them in tapwater. I have often had Neons in tapwater well over pH 8.

The simple fact of farming them kills off the weaker fish and selects the fish that are more tolerant of higher pH, hardness and pollution levels.

Most wild caught blackwater fish will die from pollution first, pH is something that if changed gradually, many will tolerate.

It is quite possible to keep Neons in high pH water, they will not tolerate pollution. Newly cycled tanks are not suitable for Neons, (and other blackwater fish).

To the OP, there is nothing in your post which sounds like anything to worry about.

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