Neons Losing Colour


New Member
May 3, 2008
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Hello, we are very new to keeping fish! And got 5 large neon tetras about 3/4 weeks ago they were all doing fine untill last night noticed 2 of them have lost most of there colour red first and now the blue is fading? :unsure:

they seem happy though still swiming round and eating!

Please if any one could help this would be great. we dont have another tank to put them in or would have done so to be safe! concerned that they are poorley and will infect other fish? :unsure:

Thank you.

You need to supply a little more info before anybody can really help

size of the tank would be a start with how many fish you have in total

Water stats would also help

any changes that have happened

what type of filtration how often you do water changes

any markings on the fish is there waste looking stringy (white)
They are about 4 cm

Tank is a 200L

205 fluval filter

3 platyt

4 dwarf gourami

water ph 7.5 nitrate 5 nitrite 0.1 ammonia 0

Thank you
sorry just re read

water change once a week 20%

no marking and poo looks ok

7 real plants

Maybe try adding some more to the schoal...6 is the recommended ABSOLUTE MINIMUM and sometimes they don't do well in small groups with boistrous fish like platys...try it...It may not work but its just a suggestion.
Neons fade in color when they are stressed, and they are very sensitive to water quality- its not good to have nitrites in the water even if they are in very low amounts, i would advise doing a 30% water change with dechlorinator. How often do you clean the substrate and filtration in the tank and how do you go about it exactly :) ?
Its kinda worrying that the red as well as the blue is fading in the neons. Its not fading in parts is it, like this;

Could be early signs of NTD
Hi thank you all for getting back to us

we do a 30% water change once a week and also do the filter. we giv live blood worms every other week to yhey were called "large neon tetra" but we had only hd them 3weeks! :sad:

They since died think it was poss NTD as looked it up and they appeared to have a few symptoms so we have treated the water to play it safe and have decided once the meds are all clear we will get some cardinals as we read that they seem to be exempt from NTD?

thanks again Simon
Almost all Tetras and some Cyrinids can get NTD and once a tank is infected the only way to get rid of it is by stripping it down and sterilising everything.

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