Nope, neons will not tolerate salt and neither with the CAE.
How many gallons is the tank? My main concern would be any stocking issues that you may have, mollys need to be kept in groups of 2-3females per male minimum, or an all-female group of any number (keeping all-male groups together is not really advised, but if you do you should have at least 5 to help spread agression).
Because mollys are active fish and can grow to up to 4inchs ove time depending on the type, you should have 15gals for the first molly and 2-5gals for every one after that

. For balloon mollys, it is 10gals for the first one and 2-5gals for every one after that.
Chinese Algae Eaters can easily grow up to 10inchs long and have been known to become very agressive with age (they are terotorial, and although primarily vegetarian fish, they will attack other fish and suck their eyeballs or slimecoats off etc), so a large tank is of course needed. Not all CAE's turn agressive, but many do, so you should be very wary of this. Do not mix them with cories, flat bodied fish, slow moving fish in general, other CAE's or bottom dwellers that may invade ther space in particular.