Neons And Barbs


New Member
Nov 16, 2006
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:S ok guys maybe u will help me....... the pet shop say.... neons will be ok with tiger barbs but personally i thought tiger barbs would have to be put with fish little bit bigger than them as they could be agressive... i really want neons but dont want to take the rise ................. HELP PLEASE
I have successfully kept tigers with neons and they were fine! If you are worried about the size, maybe you could try some cardinal tetras. They look exactly the same as a neon, but tend to be a tiny bit bigger. They are also a bit more expensive where I am, just to let you know!

Hope this helps :)

p.s - my LFS actually stocks 'giant' neons! :)
you have the same risk of aggresion with tiger's and all small community fish.

some people report sucess keeping them together, some failure. I know that doesn't help you much but really the only way to do it is make sure there's loads of hiding places for the fish put some in and see wat happens, monitor the tank closely and if you see anyone getting bullied then you must remove either the neon's or tigers and take them back to the fish shop.

thank you very much i have some places they could hide maybe i could try them i may go with the bigger ones just to be sure any problems ill take them out thanks
We used to keep tiger barbs and neons together quite successfully, but it was a heavily planted tank with lots of hiding places :)
hi we have had cardinals & rummy nose tetras with tiger barbs for over 4 years & have never ever seen the barbs bother the tetras........our tank is a heavily planted 4ft one though, so there is plenty of hiding places should the little fish need them

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