Neon Vs Glowlights Tetras


Mostly New Member
Jan 9, 2015
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After some Gd advice from a few of you on this forum, again I can't say how great this is compared to a lot of places I went to look for advice, most people called my 8yr old daughter a dumb newb and said her fish should die. Lol that neither here nor there we are comfortable here. Anyway the question we decided to get a 55gal tank because it will fit perfectly in our living room. We are going threw the proper cycling (we tbibk) but we want a few small shoals of pretty fish. Where we live its very hard on selection. So glowlight tetras and Neons are available. I want to know which are hardier and how many would be happy together. Its not about the look cause I like the neons better, but if they are harder to keep I wanna know opinions please. Th a k you (
I've got both neons and glowlights.  I'd say that they are about the same in terms of difficulty.  Being in the US, like you, I've never experienced the trouble that others on this forum have reported in regards to neons.
As far as numbers go... the more you can keep the better.  A 55G would be a great tank for a very nice sized shoal.  What other tank mates are you considering?   As far as minimum numbers go, I'd suggest no fewer than 6, but again, the more the better.
Neons and glowlights have essentially the same needs and preferences.  
Please tell us more about the tank.  We're always into seeing new tanks, discussing them, etc.  
(Btw, we are glad that you feel at home here! :nod: )
I was considering a shoal of Cory cats and nit sure on the others. I know my wife loves angels but I'm looking into that. I think I'd rather keep the tank full of.small Peacefully tetras. Haha. I'd love to just have like ten of each and the Cory cats and see how it goes. Do you see a problem with that?? All answers accepted please I am here to learn.
Honestly, in a tank that size, you could have a shoal of cories, and a shoal of both neons and glowlights.  It would probably look best with just the one or the other though. 
In a 55, you could get a dozen cories and 20 neons, easily.  If you are looking for something like a 'centerpiece' fish, a pearl gourami, or a Bolivian Ram would work nicely.  
As for angels, angels are natural predators of neons and glowlights.
I agree.  You need to really decide the angelfish issue, as their presence will affect what is possible in terms of tankmates.
No mention has yet been made of water parameters (your tap water) and this may affect choices.  The GH (general hardness) and KH (carbonate hardness or Alkalinity) and probably pH you can ascertain from the water supply people, likely their website.  Some fish prefer soft, some hjard, some are decidedly so inclined, others are more adaptable but perhaps not to extremes of either, so it is wise to know this before starting out with fish.
And it is very true that with shoaling fish like the tetras and corys, the more the better without hesitation.  Your suggestion of 10 (I would go to 12) of each species is fine.  Cory species can be mixed (not everyone agrees with doing this) but always try to have several of each species.  Some are more inclined to remain with their own, others don't seem to mind who they are chumming around with.

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