Neon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
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Please can anyone explain why one of my neons (I have 5) has lost part of its blue stripe, only down one side.

Is he/she sick? Seems to be eating OK or is this normal?

Maybe it will brighten up as the day goes on. I know when I first turn on the light in the morning in the tank, several of my fish including the tetras have very little color. After a few minutes, though, they brighten up.
Either way, I'd keep a close on that guy.
If it's going pale, it's probably neon tetra disease. You'll find info in a pinned article in either emergencies or cyprinids...

I believe isolation was the answer, though probably all of them have it...
OH NO! possibly my first ailment. I've only had the tank 7 weeks. How do you isolate when its the only tank?

Sorry tempestuousfury I can't find the pinned article
Despite a lot of people thinking otherwise, neons are not good first fish. They need very specific water conditions in a mature tank. They don't do well in new tanks. I hope that your neon will recover, but unfortunately I think that tempestuousfury is right and there is no cure for that. Sorry for the bad news :sad:
Mine are often like that first thing in the morning, and they were ok as my (thinks back 15 months) third fish, the day after the first two.

Happy Neons :)
If this is neon tetra disease, what do I do? I only have the one tank.

The stripe has not come back. Almost 2 days now.

Here we go.

Symptoms low-level infection w/o showing any ill-effects. hevaily infected fish lose coloration, unusual swimming behaviour, spinal curvature, emaciation, and fin rot. Many tetras and danios are highly susceptible.

Caused by parasite: Pleistophora


No treatments have been completely effective. Some success achieved with furazolidone. Fish that recover will harbor parasite. Affected fish that don't respond should be killed. need good water quality.

if it's a really bad case you'll have to clean everything out, wash out the tank, leave it out to dry, change all gravel and decorations.

I'm sorry. :/
The symptoms are:

Not swimming with other fish
resting almost all the time , except for feeding.
part of one sides stripe gone all together ( approx 40%) Other stripe perfect.

No other signs.

Should I treat with furazolidone, or do you think its too late?

I don't think I can bring myself to kill it. I wouldn't know how!

Other fish in the tank (70ltr) are:

5 black widow tetra
2 dwarf gourami
1 kissing gourami
2 albino cories.
4 other neons.

Do you think these will be affected?

Sorry for all these questions. I really am a newbie

Thanks for your help
If you don't know how to bring yourself to do it, ask a parent (asuming you live with them) or your children (if you have any and are too scared :lol:). There's a pinned article in the emergency section, I believe.

Definitely quarantine because it'll spread to the other neons and tetras, if not the entire tank.

Unfortunately, I'd say it's doomed. Sorry. :/

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