Neon Tetras


New Member
Oct 18, 2005
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i have 7 neon tetras that i have had for about 4 months but from the very first day i got them they just hide in one off my big plants and swin to the ship every so often and never go about 1cm above the gravel there colours look fine and they are eating, i throught that they like to stay in the middle of the tank. To you think they a scared of the other fish. I have 2 moonlights with are about 4-5 years old and very big.
Neons naturally stay close to the bottom, so seeing them there is normal.

They are eaten by many bigger fish (in the wild, angelfish feed heavily on them, a habit that can be awkward in community tanks!). Thus, in busy tanks, neons and other small tetras tend to be rather shy. Moonlights are as nice as pie, as you probably know, but the neons don't know that, and so yes, they probably are a little intimidated by the gouramis.

Provided everyone is happy and eating, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you want midwater fish, there are lots of options. Diamond tetras are one such small fish I find delightful, as well as hardy and easy to feed.


cheers for that, I have some black tetras and they seem fine throught it my be the size,

nice 1

My neon tetras are almost always in the middle of the tank and swimming around. And I have a huge angelfish..
Well, sooner or later you will notice a neon missing. Then another, and then another.

Angelfish eat neon tetras in the wild, and domestic angelfish do too. I'm really surprised so many books show them together and suggest they're community fish. I suppose they are, just not together.



My neon tetras are almost always in the middle of the tank and swimming around. And I have a huge angelfish..
Yeah, they really don't go together, a lot of books I have read show them (angelfish) as community fish, when really they are semi-aggressive.
Goes to show, a community tank is what you make of it. Garpike are excellent community fish, but they are also predators, and so can't be kept with platies or neons. But mix them with large cichlids, catfish, or giant gouramis, and you're laughing. I'd agree with you about angels; they're not nearly as peaceful as people think. Besides eating neons, they will fin-nip bettas and guppies, as well as bully things like discus. Angels have to handled with care. Nice fish, though, in the right tank.

Yeah, they really don't go together, a lot of books I have read show them (angelfish) as community fish, when really they are semi-aggressive.
Iv got a 10 Shoal of Neon tetras in my tank with 2 angels 2 guppys a red tail shark. and they are the most active fish in the tank all they do is swim every its great to watch them follow there leader and all dart off in one line.

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