Neon Tetras


Fish Addict
Oct 26, 2004
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I have always had a problem with keepng neon tetras alive in my tank and i dont know why.
I get the water tested then when the person says its good to go i get the neon tetras.
I get them used to the water for hours and i even add stress redusing salt to the bag.
Thentthe next day I alwaya looses one or two.
I don't know hat is happening.
Then the rest soon die after that.
The longest I had neon tetras were for 2 weeks.
I have herd some thing about black water <- i dont know anything about can that be the problem?
And I can't help to try and try again because I can't resist a nice school of neon tetras.
What could be the problem?
I love neon tetras and I want to have a nice school for more than a week of if Im lucky(which Im not)two weeks.
Dose anyone have the same problem?
Can any one help me?

Come on who could resist this:

I know I can't
Well neon tetras are intolerant of salt, so you shouldn't use it with them and this may well be what is killing yours- you should always be careful with salt as many commanly sold fish are intolerant of it- even so it should only be used for medicine purposes like for treating fungus- you shouldn't use normal salt for cooking and stuff as well as it contains more than just salt, only use salt specifically designed for aquariums.
Also i'd definatly advise you buy your own test kits for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates as currently you don't even know your exact stats or what the people are testing your water for- i've heard many storys of lfs staff lying about water quality test stats.
Testing your water quality for the appropriate stats is a basic aspect of fish keeping and is not hard to do yourself :nod: .
Well neon tetras are intolerant of salt, so you shouldn't use it with them and this may well be what is killing yours- you should always be careful with salt as many commanly sold fish are intolerant of it- even so it should only be used for medicine purposes like for treating fungus- you shouldn't use normal salt for cooking and stuff as well as it contains more than just salt, only use salt specifically designed for aquariums.
Also i'd definatly advise you buy your own test kits for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates as currently you don't even know your exact stats or what the people are testing your water for- i've heard many storys of lfs staff lying about water quality test stats.
Testing your water quality for the appropriate stats is a basic aspect of fish keeping and is not hard to do yourself :nod: .

This is the salt:
on the back it says to add when handling or shipping or adding fish
The salt is still damaging to the neo tetras though, unless you have deseased fish with fungal infections or somthing similar you should not be using it at all.
The salt is still damaging to the neo tetras though, unless you have deseased fish with fungal infections or somthing similar you should not be using it at all.

ok thanks
I have tried times without the salt and
the tetras still didnt live long
What fish do you have and how many and how many gallons is the tank? How long has the tank been set up for?
they could jut be shocked from flippin out in the car... your not messing with them while driving are you?
Well my main advise to you is;

a. Stop using the salt and start doing two 30% water changes a week for a month or so with dechlorinator/water conditioner to help remove it from the tank water.
b. Buy some test kits for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates ASAP and post us your stats.

Also, what other fish and how many do you have in the tank?
right now i have one black skirt tetra
he has pop eye and im trying to fix the problem first
right now i have one black skirt tetra
he has pop eye and im trying to fix the problem first

What are you treating him with? Because water quality issues are usually the cause of pop eye, so you still need to find your stats out, salt will only put him under alot of stress, melafix or watered down anti internal bacterial meds are better but you still need to fix the water quality otherwise it will only be a repetetive issue.
Trust me, if you get rid of the salt in your tank you will have alot more luck keeping tetras and other salt intolerant fish.
It is probably something in your water, I bought 5 neons two weeks ago and they're all still alive and healthy, although they dont seem to like the lights off because they turn real pale and inactive.

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