Neon Tetras Not Schooling

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New Member
Aug 3, 2012
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Northampton, England
At the weekend I purchased 10 neon tetras, all from the same tank at the LFS I bought them from and they have since been added to my 20 gallon tank. What I have noticed though is that within a few hours of introducing them to my tank which already has 3 Zebra Danios they seperated and I never really see more than 2-3 swimming together. They all appear healthy and my water parameters are what you would expect as my tank is fully cycled, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite and Nitrates were at 40 when I tested this morning.

My question is; is normal for Neons to swim seperately or will introducing different species result in them sticking together more (for safety)? I am conscious of overstocking so I will contemplate re-homing the Danio's if getting another species will help with schooling.

The reason why I bought them is because I love the sight of seeing them together so I am keen to get that feel if I can. My tank is heavily planted and they just seem to get lost in it when they are all swimming seperately. Any information or advice to this Neon tetra newbie would be appreciated :D Thanks.
Hi there

I think that's actually normal behaviour for neons that feel secure and comfortable in their environment. Schooling as I understand it is what they do when they're feeling insecure or anxious. I have 10 neons and they are always all over the place in the tank.

I've got 10 Neons in 140l community tank and they don't school together either. I quite like the flashes of colour you get all through the tank as they poke about in the plants. I keep Congos, Diamonds, Rummy nose and Neons in that tank and none of them shoal much really. They usually have a 'mad half hour' just after their evening feed when they shoot about the tank in their various groups but the Neons don't join in.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

I have 8 and they swim together and split and together and split all day long.
Thanks for the responses everyone. Glad to hear that their behaviour is more natural than I thought. If they feel content and therefore swimming seperately then even better! :D
All good Dave mine swim together and separately too, don't stress :)
Typical of neons and cardinals etc :shifty: exactly why i dislike them in planted tanks when all you want is for them to be a feature fish swimming together.

I have 35 cardinals in 300L and they still wouldnt shoal (cardinals were not my choice, nor were the angels that have eaten the big cardinals down to 20 lol)

Species that shoal more tightly (naturally, not just because they are stressed) is Penguin Tetras (though more top dwelling andnasty if kept too few), Rummy Nose Tetras, Most rasboras... Harlequins and both the Espei and Hengeli rasbora, Sawbwa Resplendens, Volcano Rasbora, Fire Rasbora, all the micro rasboras etc.

Congo Tetras shoal well too if you have the space for em.

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