Fish Fanatic
Just saw this video on youtube and thought it was quite interesting, they also do a talk on how the man catches the fish in sustainable amounts on how other tribes don't and use a poison that deprives the fish of oxygen, quite interesting though most neon's are commercially bred some of yours at home could have come from creeks and rivers like this.
If you look on the channel theres videos of cichlids in the wild, red phantom tetras,freshwater rays, Diamond tetras, ect.
its kinda sad though he said alot of the creeks are polluted
anyway its worth a watch.......

Just saw this video on youtube and thought it was quite interesting, they also do a talk on how the man catches the fish in sustainable amounts on how other tribes don't and use a poison that deprives the fish of oxygen, quite interesting though most neon's are commercially bred some of yours at home could have come from creeks and rivers like this.

If you look on the channel theres videos of cichlids in the wild, red phantom tetras,freshwater rays, Diamond tetras, ect.
its kinda sad though he said alot of the creeks are polluted

anyway its worth a watch.......