Neon tetras breeding?

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So my water is soft, at least I know that, thanks @Byron. I will think about this more.
Rift lake gravel or crushed coral as substrate
What if I don’t want to change my substrate?
I dont know of another way, there may be others but they are likely more complicated and probably more expensive in the long run. Keep in mind if you harden the water gour neons cant be in the tank, you would need to have a separate tank
Water Hardness.
0-50ppm is very soft water.
50-150ppm is soft water.
150-250ppm is medium hardness water.
250-350ppm is hard water.
350-450ppm is very hard water.
above 450ppm is extremely hard water.

Your GH is too high for neon or cardinal tetra eggs to survive. They need a GH of 0ppm.

If you don't have a spare tank, use a plastic storage container. Put a thin layer of sand or gravel on the bottom. Spread the Java Moss out. Add an air operated sponge filter.

Separate males and females for 4-5 days, then put the fattest female and a male into the storage container. Leave them there until the female is skinny (usually the following day), then remove the adults and black out the container (put a lid on it to stop light getting to the eggs).
Wait a few days and then look for the fry.
Water Hardness.
0-50ppm is very soft water.
50-150ppm is soft water.
150-250ppm is medium hardness water.
250-350ppm is hard water.
350-450ppm is very hard water.
above 450ppm is extremely hard water.

Your GH is too high for neon or cardinal tetra eggs to survive. They need a GH of 0ppm.

If you don't have a spare tank, use a plastic storage container. Put a thin layer of sand or gravel on the bottom. Spread the Java Moss out. Add an air operated sponge filter.

Separate males and females for 4-5 days, then put the fattest female and a male into the storage container. Leave them there until the female is skinny (usually the following day), then remove the adults and black out the container (put a lid on it to stop light getting to the eggs).
Wait a few days and then look for the fry.
I might do that once I get a sponge filter. Do they need a heater when they are breeding?
If their normal tank needs a heater then they will need a heater in the breeding tank.

If the weather is warm enough so you don't need aquarium heaters, then you won't need a heater in the breeding tank.
Ok, thanks. I might try to breed them in the summer, because it gets pretty hot up here.
@Byron, any way you can think of?

You have neon tetra you want to breed, so they need soft water, maybe even softer than you have, but certainly not harder. Guppies need harder water to thrive. You have to decide which you want, as the fish you now have require different parameters. There is no logic in making the water harder for the guppies if the neons will be less able to function in it.

To be honest, I would leave the water parameters alone if you decide to keep both these fish in the same tank. The neons are relatively OK so far as living. The guppies are not in the best situation, but with a GH of 8 and guyppies they will likely manage better as they are, than the neons would with harder water. There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to fish and water.

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