Neon Tetras And Hard Water


New Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Bognor Regis UK
Can someone tell me just how important soft/acidic water is for neons? I live in a moderately hard/alkaline water area (West Sussex) and I really dont want the hassle of trying to adjust my tap water. Grateful for the advice. Gyillmard
Can someone tell me just how important soft/acidic water is for neons? I live in a moderately hard/alkaline water area (West Sussex) and I really dont want the hassle of trying to adjust my tap water. Grateful for the advice. Gyillmard

Imo.... This is very important when you decide to breed your neons, but not that relevant in just keeping them, but as a rule, they do prefer soft acidic waters.
As stated by Ludwig, unless you are trying to breed them, or keeping wild caught fish, don't worry too much about the hardness or PH. They naturally live in soft acid water but most neons are captive bred these days and will tolerate a wide range of water conditions.
hi we live in london with its very hard water. we keep cardinal tetras & rummy nose tetras which both also prefer soft acidic water but we've had both species for over 5 years with no problems. ( we used to have neons as well but kept losing them to ntd so gave up)as said its more crucial when you are breeding the fish. i would however make sure you actually buy the fish from a shop in your area so the fish are more used to the water that you get (ie: hard stuff) trying to play around and change the water pH is very fiddly and youre more likely to run into problems doing this.

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