Neon Tetras And Clown Loaches


New Member
Nov 5, 2006
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I love looking at clown loaches, and I also love looking at a school of tetras
Is it fine for both neon tetras and clown loaches to live together?

If not, what other type of fish am I able to put with neon tetras?
Thank you
Neons and Clown loaches should live together just fine, proving your tank is big enough. Clown loaches get to be about 12 inches when fully grown, however, they are very slow growers. Also, keep in mind that both of these fish liketo be in groups, at least neons, and at least 3 clown loaches.
neons and clowns go fine together as long as your tank is large enough (clowns grow to about 8" in a tank) and the clown loaches are kept in a group of 3-4. clown loaches are very active and intelligent fish, and if they dont have company they might end up bothering the neons. under stress neons tend to lose their colour.

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