Neon Tetras And Celestial Pearl Dainos?


Oct 25, 2010
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I have a Fluval edge with 7 neon tetras, i have finally got my water right and am thinking about mayby a few more fish

Would celestial pearl danios go? Im thinking just two of them

Heres a pic of the would be tank mates, i know you all know what neons look like but im just so proud of them :D

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This is so creepy I was planning on Adding celestial Pearl Danios to my tank aswell and I have 7 neon tetras too o_O

So this topic will be useful for me too =P
You can add 5 Celestial Pearl Danios, but only get 1 male and 4 females :good:
I have 13 cpd in a tank of there own and they are just as peaceful as the tetras. However adding only 2 would be cruel because they are also a schooling fish. 5 would work just fine but 6 is usually a preferred preferance when it comes to schooling fish but it's more of an opinion based off the happiness and well being of the species. They breed pretty regulary once they start so I hope you have extra space. :p
Iv only got a nano tank spare, if they were to breed would they fry be ok in there till i sorted out something else?

Now my tank only fully cycled this weekend after 6 weeks of fish in cycling (i was unaware of fishless at the time). How long should i wait till getting more fish? i want to get this right now, as the last 6 weeks of water changes daily, sometimes twice a day were hard work that i could have avoided if i had done more research

If I was you I wouldn't add CPD's to that set up as being out numbered by the bigger tetra they may not be too happy, they do better the bigger the shoal.

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