Neon Tetra

A LFS near me has a tank setup with Discus and a load of Cardinals. It looks absolutely amazing and its planted/aquascaped really well.
I always spend a good few minutes looking in awe at it when I pop in.

I've always loved the idea of having a tank of just neons or cardinals but, whenever I get the chance I am always tempted by other fish so that plan falls flat on its face.

BTW, when ou have your tank set up, some pics would be most welcome!
Morning :)

Have asked landlord and he said kitchen and dining room floor is solid concrete so should hold it :) just means we wont be able to have much of a dining room table (which is fine by me)

Will add pics when it eventually happens as we have the space but need the money first :unsure:
100 neon is nothing in a 250+ gallon tank, if u want something kick @$$. Try something like this: :hyper:

There is about 8000-9000 cardinal tetra in this tank. I wonder how long did it took him to count these fish when they arrive. :crazy:

here is another one with 2000 neon in a 4 foot tank:

woooh that would need to be beautifully planted with some discus, that would be a beautiful site, in the aquarium where i live they have aload of neons in a huge 2000+gallon with convicts and plecs, its stunning...
i however would stock the tank different but what you want :good:
where abouts is that, im in bournmouth next week!

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