neon Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2003
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How many Neon Tetras for beautiful schooling affect. I was told to buy in set of three so would 6 be3 good or should I get more.

It really depends on how big your tank is. To have a good looking school most people I have asked recommend at least 6. Otherwise it just looks like a few fish swimming around not a cohesive swimming unit.
Once they get acclimatised to their new tank you will find they don't always swim together. They tend to shoal if they feel threatened or are in danger. Well mine do anyway :p
i had 6 in my 30 litre tank
they looked great and really are like sheep the way they follow each other around, if one goes off somewhere else they are all sure to join him soon

sadly mine were all nibbled by a half blind platty (i assume she thought they were food) but my new tank will probably become home to a dozen or so new neons.

my problem now is finding some nice tank mates for them - everything i see and think ahh that'd be nice turns out will eat them :-(

that said even my docile platty managed to see them all off in a day - not a very tough fish at all
Hmmm I think you need as many as your tank will allow, the more you have the better they look. I have 10 and they are not always together although usually at least 6 of them are. I also have 6 black neons, they are a bit larger and have a different body shape but have the same effect.

I have found gouramis are a good mix with neons, so far no problem at all and of course some corys for the bottom.
for a good shoal i would go for 6 or more otherwise they just look like any other fish swimming around on its own
I have 10 in my 30 gallon and the only time they swim together is when they are waiting at the same spot they always do to be fed. Other than that, the 4 smaller ones tend to stay together but the larger ones swim around on their own.


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