Neon Tetra Question


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
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I just put 10 neon tetras in the tank and one died but it was within the first 24 hours i think he was sick before i put him in but the rest are well and good. I put them in with my two angel fish 5 platies and a common pleco in a 30 gallon tank. My one angel bothered them the first day but they are all liven well together now but when i put food in the tank the angels and platies eat it all and the neons stay towards the bottom of the tank and seem to not eat any of the food. Are they eating and im not seeing it or are they not eating? This is the first time I have had Neons so i dont know there normal eating habbits but the LFS guy told me to feed them tropical flakes.

I would crumble the flakes up, so there are lots of small bits all over the tank. Spread them out a bit, too, This gives the smaller more timid fish a chance to get at something, as the greedy ones can't be everywhere at once.
I have the same problem with my pentazona barbs. I either do what dwarfgourami suggested or I put a thick tube in the water and put flakes in. Little bit messy but while the others are eating at the top the others can eat quite peacefully. Twice a week I feed the fish bloodworms and daphnia, everyone gets to eat in peace as it spreads throughout the tank.
I've noticed that my neons never come to the top of the water to eat flakes. Rather , they dart around under the other fish and pick off the food that sinks. I am glad that they do this because it keeps food from sinking to the bottom. I also crinkle up some of the flakes to make it easier for the neons to eat. My black longfin tetras go at the food like greedy little eating machines, but they miss some so the neons get to eat too. Also, the black tetras go for the big flakes and ignore the little ones, so the neons get more.

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