Neon Tetra Not Schooling


New Member
Jan 20, 2011
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New Zealand
A couple of weeks ago I inherited 2 neon tetras from a friend. Yesterday I got 4 more neons to make a school and one of the original neons schools with them but the other doesn't. The one who doesn't seems healthy and is swimming around the tank and eating. He's nearly twice as big as the others. Could this have anything to do with it?
A couple of weeks ago I inherited 2 neon tetras from a friend. Yesterday I got 4 more neons to make a school and one of the original neons schools with them but the other doesn't. The one who doesn't seems healthy and is swimming around the tank and eating. He's nearly twice as big as the others. Could this have anything to do with it?
It could be the size difference. I can tell you from my fishing experience that if i find a school of bass that are small I wont catch a big one out of that school
and if i find a school that has bigger fish i could get a monster out of that school
I do not know very much about schooling but I am sure I read some were a lot of species only school when they feel threatened whilst others school what ever the circumstance.

Regards onebto
Schooling fish usually only school when they feel threatened so the fact that a fish feels that it doesn't need to group up with the others is a sign it's feeling pretty safe in the tank.
Yeah, my cardinals don't school either, sometimes they feel safe enough not to.

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