Neon Tetra Ich or something else?

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Aug 16, 2020
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image.jpgMy neon tetra has a pretty big white spot on its gill. I’ve been treating for ich for a week and nothing has changed. Non of the other fish have it. Any advice would be much appreciated!
The picture is very blurry, but with that being said I do not see any indication of ich. Ich is small white dots all over the body.

Neons have been very frail in recent years and are very sensitive particularly during transfering.

What size tank? Tankmates? Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate? How long has the tank been set up?
It looks like an injury. One of the other neon tetras or fish might've had a go at it. It is best to separate it from the others for a little why, with no contact with any fish. Isolation perhaps...
Good luck with your neon tetras. Hope it will live a happy, long life! :)
The picture is somewhat blurry but I can see the area of infection, it looks like a white fluffy growth (like a small cotton ball) is that correct?

If that is indeed correct, then it could be a fungal growth. Fungal growth is quite common as fungal spores populate tanks naturally, yet a sick fish, or a fish that is stressed is more prone to getting a growth on them due to their health decline. Fungal growth normally occurs because of another underlying problem with the fish, have you noticed any damage on the tetra? it is advisable to answer MetalHead's questions to help rule out further causes/problems :

What size tank? Tankmates? Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate? How long has the tank been set up?

Now I don't think this is ich, ich tends to cover the entire body in white spots, and no-doubt by now it would have transferred to the rest of your fish and they would have begun showing symptoms also.

No matter the problem I hope we're able to help you and your fish become healthy again, best of luck.

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