Neon Tank Mates

nicholas, did you mean that your trying this 'letting the neons grow then put in the angels' theory? the neons cost 1.99 a piece at petsmart, so since there cheap, i dont mind. if they do get eaten though, i will try some congos, our rasboras. pearl gouramis really are one of my favorite fish though, so ill problably get one or two of those.


I'm kinda unsure right know. I am afraid that my Zebra Danio's will be to fast moving for the Angelfish. I do plan on getting Angelfish. I am not sure if Neon's are going to be the Tetra's I want to combine with them yet. Surprisingly I am happy with my setup with just the Danios and the Cories. I know this will change soon though. I will make sure I post a pic of my setup when I get it where I want it.
i have 2 things to say to that; first i am also suprisied how much i like the neons alone! also, in a last tank i did, i had zebra danios and angels, and the only problem was the zebras eating the angels eggs :lol:
I am still planning what I will add with my Zebra Danios and Corydoras. I have a 55 Gallon aquarium and I feel that I need to add more Corydoras. I will be getting two more tomorrow. That will bring my total to 8. I wish I could make up my mind about the Tetra family sooner. Its just better to plan than walk up to a lfs tank and buy whatever you want. I'm glad that we both have tank planning in common.
it just seems that i cant do another tank without neons, because there so beautifal! but i have to have angels cause there an old time fav. :nod:
it just seems that i cant do another tank without neons, because there so beautifal! but i have to have angels cause there an old time fav. :nod:

Angels + Neons = Yum,Yum one well fed Angelfish
With 50g to play with having neons, angels, cories and gourami's wouldnt be a problem atall (loooads of room to play with)...The problem with the angels eating the neons is apparant. At the end of the day, your tank, your risks :) Most people have given you the best advice, get he angels young, feed them well and ensure theres loads of decor to break the line of sight etc :)

Good luck and keep us posted.
well ive had the neons for about 2months now, and boy do they have some color, but if youve red in some of my other posts, im having a bad cloud up in my tank right now so its hard for me to enjoy them. -_-
Algae bloom's? I really dont miss those atall, took me agies to shift ours...twice.
finally, my aquariums clearing up, after i started adding oxygen to the tank!!!! i can enjoy my neons now!! i still have 14 neons and 1 pleco. oh im worried though, that all the oxygen will take down the c02 levels, hurting my plants :unsure:
Try adding a product called Flourish Excel. Flourish Excel is a liquid carbon supplement. Its not all that expensive if you order it through the mail.
Do you have an air pump with an adjustable output. If you do you can run your airstone on low. I would only recommend running an airstone if you are adding Flourish Excel.
well, im using a powerhead, that shoots out a jet of water and bubbles. i had diy co2 running, but i stopped to try to clear the tank up. should i run it again?
Could you give me the list of plants you have in your tank. Many plants do not really need a co2 system.

Also does your powerhead have an airline tube looking thing that can protrude out of the water. If it does stick that inlet tube out of the tank so that it can pull some co2 from the air.

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