Neon Rainbows

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Fish Crazy
Jul 2, 2005
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I must say, that its only been an three hours since ive had them, but i am amazed at the beauty and quality of this fish. Next week i will most certainly get a school of them going.

I recommend this fish to everyone thinking about them. :)
I got 2 for under $10 from lfs, they are really nice, active, and colorful. I want to add more this week once they restock their fish.
They are very lovely fish indeed. I had 2 in my tank together with my 2 red rainbows - and though they all got on well in the community, they both just "died off" within a year :/ No idea why :dunno:
Heres the two, sorry for the bad quality i couldnt figure out flash and the focus. The picture is dark so you cant really see their shiny scales.

still looking nice :) can you take a pic of your unkown tetra too, we may be able to help you figure that out :) I love rainbows, never kept them but i want to, thye just get to be such fatties lol :) they are extremely pretty, they are one of those fish with many color variations, and they get extremely pretty, i have never seen an ugly one ... even sick ones (poor guys) still look colorful and cool!
The "unknown" tetra may be a black neon tetra but its stripes dont extend from its tail to head, just has a bit of yellow and black on his tail. I'd get a picture but im afraid he/she has an everlasting grudge against me for moving it into the smaller tank and wont come out for a picture.
ha lol, ok :)

sounds like a hybrid to me, because i havent heard of a tetra like that. Sounds like mike between a lemon tetra and a black neon... or may be it is a black neon with some color lol :) there are some black phantom tetra that have red in the fins (just a bit)
Briarmoor said:
Glad to hear you like your Rainbows. I plan to add 6 to my 55g and am debating buying them locally or ordering them. They are pricey, none under $10 each here.

here at my lfs (petco) there like 4 bucks each

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