Neon lost its colour

Amber - my apologies for being involved in hijacking your thread.
I didn't even contribute to what you needed to know at all either.
Sorry :(
Hi, i noticed that i thought i had NTD a couple of months a go. I separated it and its still alive at the moment. However because it is in a 5gallon bucket i cant see how badly the colour has gone. It was in a 10gallon but that cracked.....
I have a question? I am unsure if my tetra has ntd because he has not lost his red stripe. But the top of him has faded and his blue stripe is patchy looking. Still has appetite but tends to swim around less. :dunno: I am unsure what kind of meds to give him because I can't seem to diagnos the lil guy :(
BettaMomma said:
Amber - my apologies for being involved in hijacking your thread.
I didn't even contribute to what you needed to know at all either.
Sorry :(
No worries :alien:
Well my little guy is still going, I have treated with anti internal bacteria med. and some of the colour has returned but not all, it was always easier to spot the faded bit in the main tank because of the light (my hospital tank has no light) but even still I'm sure his colour's come back some and its not just wishfull thinking.
No other lumps or bumps have appeared and he swims and eats fine.
Fingers crossed.....
Fingers crossed, hope it was false ntd.

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