Neon dwarf rainbowfish bloated and staying near surface.

There's some pictures in the following link that show rainbowfish with ulcers caused by Fish TB

This link has M. boesemani rainbowfish with gill tumours that might be linked to Fish TB.

This link is about a molly and dwarf gourami and has info about Fish TB.

Another link about Fish TB

There's more links about Fish Tb on the forum if you want to search for them. Just type in "Fish TB" in the search bar at the top right of screen. Put in my name Colin_T where is asks for "By Member". Then click search.
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Make sure your fish get plenty of plant matter in their diet. At least half their diet should be plant based.

If you want good rainbowfish, contact Gary Lange at the American Rainbowfish Association. They have a Facebook page too. He should be able to provide you with eggs or put you in contact with someone who has healthy fish they can sell/ supply you.
Ok, thank you! I try to drop in an algae wafer every now and then, does that work?
I'm sorry that it seems to be bad news about your tank... it's easy to see how much work and love you put into it! I hope this experience doesn't put you off the hobby altogether.... it was bad luck, not something you did wrong.

I hope you have luck raising the fry! I also think the 5g bucket can work for a while, it isn't cruel! But as they get bigger, a larger food safe storage tote like the one below can make an excellent substitute temporary QT/Nursery tank. Have used one for a short while before, and it worked great! Just stuck a sponge filter in there, heater in a heater guard and resting on some stones so it wasn't touching the plastic, and a load of fast growing, unfussy stem plant like hornwort just floating in there, and it worked out just fine :)

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