Neolamprologus Multifasciatus Tank


Fish Addict
Mar 4, 2009
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Done a bit of research, but need to ask the experts before rushing in.

I have a 15 gal (2x2x1) tank, and would like to have a group of Neolamprologus multifasciatus. So, the questions are:

How many?

Would these be ok: Link to Ebay

My PH is about 7.8. Would I need some coral sand to buffer it?

Could I have a Bristlenose Plec? If so, what would a good stocking be?

Anyone got a link to a good rock seller, like I've seen in other Cichlid tanks. How many kg would I need.

How much do Neolamprologus multifasciatus generally cost?

Anything else I need to know?
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Escargot shells are fine, about 6 Multis are usuallya good start, BN Plec. fine but will need some wood for rasping, also try reserve a small space in the tank for it to relax as I find my Multis chase him away sometimes.
Price wiase the're not cheap, have seen them at a fiver but sometimes as much as nine , have heard of people paying more for them :unsure:
Six fish would be a good starting point, hopefully you'll get a good mix of males and females. Before you purchase the fish, I would be sure to ask the manager or salesclerk if it's alright if you could exchange or bring back any of the fish in case of any aggression problems.

My tank has escargot shells, and I like the look of them. The escargots are a good size for the fish, and they are light enough for the fish to move around, as you will find out the fish like to make their own shell nest, least that's what I call it. I was able to buy a 30 pack of escargot shells from a seller in France. This will probably be better because you want at least three shells per fish, but the more you can get the better.

Your PH sounds good.

If you want the rocks, because you like the look of them then that's fine, but I just thought I would mention that the Multifasciatus won't utilize the rocks like you see the majority of the rift lake cichlids do.

I can't really help you on the pleco or oto situation, although I think the PH might be too high for the otos. I just have pond snails in my tank as the clean up crew. They're small enough to clean the shells when they get a good algae growth on em, and the fish will also pick them up in their mouth and remove them from any place they feel like the snail shouldn't be. I think AdAndrews has apple snails in his tank now. That's a good sturdy algae cleaner that the fish can't harass and stress out.

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