Nemo is unwell


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk
Hi guys and gals

I bought a siemese fighting fish about 3 weeks ago and seem to have settled in well in his new surroundings until yesterday, he still eats like normal he will only eat bloodworms but i have noticed that his fins have got black edging on him and i have noticed that he has little holes appearing here and there.

I checked the water chemistry for ammonia and nitrite and it is zero and the temp is 24'C. So wots up with him? i haven't done a water change for 10 days.

I can't think wot could be wrong with him.
Have you got plastic plants in there? If so, get them out immediately and replace either with live or silk plants. Bettas can easily tear their fins on the sharp edges of plastic plants.

I'm assuming you don't have any other fish in there with him? Could you tell us more about your set up?
mine get 50-70% water changes every 7 days, yours is probably due for one ;)

is he flaring alot? do you think he split his fins? does anything in his tank have sharp edges? Try running his decor over panty hose,if they snag the hose they'll snag his fins just the same

what kind of bloodworms do you feed, frozen or dried ? He may just need some vitamins that can't be found in bloodworms, unless you use Hikari frozen,they're chock full of vitamins :p Try persuading him to eat something with more nutrients :)
Hi Guys

I changed 20% of the water and cleaned the water filter, i feed him freeze dried blood worms. I noticed his body is red with dark brown mottled colour here and there and the edging of the fins are black, he mops around the bottom of the tank and usually sits behind the filter or on the gravel near the air stone.

He is in another tank with 4 white cloud mountain minnows, 2 young platies, 1 female sword tail and 3 cory catfish.

60 litre hex tank with small pea sized gravel, 2 amazon swords plants (live)
Big it sounds just like what happened to one of my little greens. I don't know for sure what it was but I think it was fin rot. I had the little holes start to appear...they started in the tail and spread. I bought "betta medicine" but it did absolutely nothing for him. This eventually killed him no matter what I tried. Sorry to hear about this but if you find a cure please share it.
It could be that the tank isn't properly cycled. What are your ammonia and nitrite levels?

Also, bettas need a varied diet to make sure they get all the vitamins and minerals they need, so he needs something other than just bloodworms. Will he take flake? Mine will eat anything, including frozen peas, but some are fussy.
No he doesn't like flake he just spits it out, i have used some fin rot and fungus cure and he seems to be perked up a little bit. i changed the water too, the ammonia and nitrite is zero mg/litre.
Hello Bigfish,

I hope this isn't the tank poor little Billy was in. Is it? :eek:

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