Nemo and Dory?


Fish Crazy
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land Of The Rising Sun
Hi all,
This is just something I realized about the movie "Finding Nemo". Whenever someone see a clown fish and a powder blue tang, they will go "Look! Nemo and Dory!" Hold it there y'all! If you actually watched the movie, I am not actually sure that Nemo actually did met Dory. And even if they did, they were not close nor did they really talked to each other!
So, if you are really into the "Finding Nemo" movie, when you see a clown fish and a powder blue tang, you should be saying "Look! Marylin and Dory!" RIGHT??? Do I make sense???

You got a point there chewy......

Just to let you know Dori is not a powder blue tang. She is a Blue tang
Also known as: Palette Surgeonfish, Hepatus Tang, "Hippo" Tang, Blue (Hippo), Pacific Blue, Yellow-tail Blue, Regal, Palette, Hippo Tang :D

Oh and they did meet at the end of the movie and Dori ended up going back to the reef with Nemo and Marylin

Hazmat :)
I could really relate to poor Dory.At least...well...I think I could....but I don't really remember.She was the blue fish...right? The one who was helping Marlin find his lost son...Fabio.And they got swallowed by a wait...maybe it was a whale.I speak whale,you know.... ;)

Yes, Nemo and Dory did meet, talk, and were close. It all happened at the end of the movie. It was Dory who joined Marlin and Nemo at the end, and after everything was happy again and Nemo was back in school, Marlin and Dory take him there every day and Nemo yelled "Bye Dory!"

Give it up for run on sentences! :flex:

I'm lazy :rolleyes:
yes they met in the end of the movie.
yes the dad was marlin.
Yes my gouramis are named after Marlin and dory however I didn't name them
Everyone who had posted had a point....

Auratus - you're right, but i love "finding nemo"!!

Hazmat - I was just guessing, I am not a marine guy, you see.....although I just got interested!! (Just setuped my very first marine tank few days ago! ;) )

Koda - What are you talkin' about????

Catlover - Dory and Nemo did meet....however i was comparing the relationship between Marylin and Dory was much closer than Dory with Nemo.....I mean, when ever you see a clown fish with Dory, it's ALWAYS Marylin....rite????

It was Marlins movie no doubt about that but Nemo is an infinitly beter name and thats why the movie is called "Finding Nemo" not "Finding Marlin" Nemo is infinitly more memorable. Also Dorry is marlins surigate child in the movie (just like the moorish idol is nemos surogate father) so that makes dorry and nemo alot like brother and sister. I personaly think that it is better to have all three or even all of the characters but thats just me.
opcn said:
It was Marlins movie no doubt about that but Nemo is an infinitly beter name and thats why the movie is called "Finding Nemo" not "Finding Marlin" Nemo is infinitly more memorable.
Marlin is the one who is doing the "finding" ,which,in a sense, makes him the star :)

My lfs has a large blue tang in the front display case, he's the first thing you see when you walk in the shop. Kids always come in and say "Look,it's Dory!" and Mr.Ly the shopkeeper will say "No,that's Ralph! See....right here (points to the name written on the tank) Ralph,not Dory " :lol: :lol: :rolleyes:
opcn said:
It was Marlins movie no doubt about that but Nemo is an infinitly beter name and thats why the movie is called "Finding Nemo" not "Finding Marlin" Nemo is infinitly more memorable. Also Dorry is marlins surigate child in the movie (just like the moorish idol is nemos surogate father) so that makes dorry and nemo alot like brother and sister. I personaly think that it is better to have all three or even all of the characters but thats just me.
I'm pretty sure it was finding nemo because 95% of the movie was about marlin searching for his son nemo :D
i'v never actually seen the it worth seeing, i'v heard conflicting views on it
Chewy- said:
Hazmat - I was just guessing, I am not a marine guy, you see.....although I just got interested!! (Just setuped my very first marine tank few days ago! ;) )
Just pointing you in the right direction on marine fish ;)

That's cool that you started a marine tank.... Have you posted anything on it here yet?
How big is it? are you doing a reef or fish only?


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