

New Member
Mar 15, 2004
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Hello I have Nematodes in my aquaruim i dont know if there Bad for the fish if so what should i do?!?! I lost one black molly Yesterday dont know why could it be the Nematodes ?
Hi! How do you know they are nematodes? I had a case of (possibly) nematodes in the past when I placed under the microscope to see. And other times I could see planaria present in my tank without the use of microscope.

You could vacuum clean the gravels. Some nematodes are free living but some are parasitic.

Any abnormal signs on your fishies? How did the molly look like when it died?
Taken 2 Years of Aquaculture Class at my High School and the Teacher talked about them we had them in are Tilapia tank, and the molly has a sunken in stomach and for some reason a white colored head i mean she was totally black when i bought her but her head started turning white. Tryed the fissle tablets name excapes me for internal parasites. But nothing seem to help :-(
Did the Molly stopped eating a while before it died? And where did you find the nematodes? What other fish is in there? Anything abnormal with them?

Which country do you live in? Is that Octozin by Waterlife that you put in for treating internal parasites?

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