need your advise fast!


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
i'm going to the store in about an hour but i have to clean my tanks first so i need advise fast!
i rescently bought 2 white clouds to school with my 1 year old white cloud,
they were very small (less than an inch and very thin)
they got mouth fungus and died so i removed my big guy and put him back into my communty tank so that i can bleach their 10 gallon (the 3 white clouds were the only inhabitants)
the problem is, i want him to have a school but all the lfs carry are tiny, almost fry sized babies that are very weak from shipping and they lose a high percentage of them apparently
they have these other fish that i beleive are a kind of tetra
they are almost identical to white clouds but i don't know what they are so i can't research

my questions,

1) do you know of a fish that look almost identical to white clouds only a bit brighter in colour?
(their kinda like cardidal tetras compared to neon tetras, with only the slightest of difference)

2) will they know the difference between a white cloud and them, or will they school?
cometcattle said:
Are they red finned tetras?
aren't red finned tetras columbian tatras? (the ones that look simular to pirahna)
if so than no
i just phoned the store to ask and the girl had no frickin clue what she was talking about so she denied that they had any such fish, then said maybe they sold it, then said it was a cherry barb (not even close lady i'm not stupid :grr: )

here's an easier question
do fish know that it is a different species if they look the same or will the only school with their own species?
They may school with danios. :dunno: My sister had white clouds and danios, and occasionally they swam around together.
A lot of tetras look like pirhanas, THEIR RELATED! Both of them are Characins, although tetras won't rip other fish, (or your fingers) to shreds :p
i just read that danios will school with any simular sized/ shaped fish and will enthusiastically school with white clouds, so whether he likes it or not, Effrum (the white cloud) will have new buddies to follow him everywhere
he's just gunna have to put his rascism aside and learn to love them :lol:
sound good?

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