Need Usual Suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2006
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I couldn't resist getting it (I normally don't buy smaller than 5 gallons). But this little 1 gallon matched my 15 gallon perfectly! It is made by the same maker, the same model, the same shape, and the same colour etc. It is just a tiny version of my main tank, and looks mint just above it :)

However I did not think of what I would put in it at the time when I bought it.
So now it is just there looking pretty, does anyone have any suggestions about what I can use it for?

It will remain room temperature (18-22C), and I'd be doing large partial (70%) water changes every day or two.
It has a sand substrate, and a nice large piece of bogwood covered in java moss.

I was thinking of putting lots of Malaysian Trumpet Snails in there just for the fun of it. And they would double up as a snack for my loaches from time to time. But maybe you lot have better ideas?

there are very few fish that can fit in there and be happy maybe the snails are a good idea is it a bio orb by any chance
The only fish that I can think would be suitable for something that size would be a betta. Everything else will get too big or will need companions.
smurfy: Nah it is not a bio orb (would be nice if it was considering i picked the tank up for 50p lol).
I'll get the name of the maker for you durring the next water change in a day or two, the name is on the bottom of both tanks.

oneponygirl: I have kept betta's before, and always used a heater for them, seeing they are purely tropical fish. And i count my tanks as 'sub-tropical'.

Do you recon 1 gallon is to small for an apple snail?
i wouldnt say so but i have never kept them so donttake my word for it
Hmm, most sites say 3 or more gallons per apple snail, so that is out of the question.
Looks like it is going to be the Malaysian Trumpet Snails. I might dare and try 2 ghost shrimp in there as well. Although i hear they are very sensitive to water conditions.

You could easily keep a betta happy in there, he could have a cave and a few plants. If its weirdly shaped, i wouldnt put anything in. but if its a bo, then its fine! Be prepared for daily water changes though.
Thanks for the suggestions so far people :)

It is a nice shape tank, a slightly curved rectangle (not a bowl).
While i knew i was going to have to do daily water changes no matter what i kept in it.

Hmm, i did not think a betta would cope with 18-22 C (my room temperature). I thought they needed 22 C+?

I was considering some ghost shrimp, but aren't they very delicate to water quality?
Theyre not delicate? I would doubt the water quality would get bad with just shrimp though.
Well, when i was new at fish keeping, i bought some as feeders. they got too big. So because i was a complete newb then, i didnt think you could have them hanging around too long, so i prodded them and everything and they just wouldnt die!
At that time, i had goldfish and my tank was probably a nightmare. porr little ghost shrimp. but ime theyre nor delicate. hmm

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