Need Syno info


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
I bought a catfish for my Hap tank, it was sold as Synodontis Zambianensis, but I can`t find any info on it at all. I presume its the wrong Latin name?

Thanks, Mark.
Thanks mate, but it doesn`t really look like that. The nearest I can see is Synodontis Polli but mine has a more stripey tail. Yes I know you need a photo!!!
I`ll see what I can do, its still a bit shy.

Thanks, Mark.
about these cats, i hear that they go very well with malawi cichlids,
first - is this true?
second - do raphaels go well with malawi's, and if so which gets larger the syno's or the raphaels
They both do fine synos likely better

all synos get around 7 inches, except petricola they end up at about four inches

Tetramad, consider getting a few morem, most synos excludeing eupterus and nigrita should be in groups. You might not ever see the fish if it is alone, and if you fish is small it is likely that strips will change into spots as it grows, but a pic will help
Plecos most of the time, some people have problems but likely well over 90% don't

Cories never

From lake malawi there is a synodontis nyassa that would help make a great biotope although not as pretty as cuckoo cats or petricola

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