need suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2004
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well i just got rid of all the fish i had, my uncle liked them, so i gave them to him so i could basically start over. first of all im doing a complete planted tank, with a moss wall on the back and one side. and then im going to get a lot of real nice plants for in there. so i need some suggestions for those. but after my tank is established and all i planned on getting about 80 little cardnal neons. but i cant decide if i should do somethign else or not. i only want one type of fish in my tank, so what do you think i should go with? i kind of fish would you get? right now im sticking with neons, but does anyone else have any other ideas for it?
What size tank is it please.
Sorry just seen the tank size in your sig, sounds beautiful to me one type of fish can look stunning, good luck.
You could get a bunch of Serpae Tetras, they're red and look great in a planted tank!
cardinal neons? it's either neon tetras or cardinal tetras...

Do you want a shoaling fish? harlequin rasboras are excellent shoaling fish and very attractive in a planted tank.

I would also suggest black phantom tetras or rummynose tetras.

Another option may be golden dwarf barbs or tiger barbs.

I would suggest cories as a possible option as well.

If you aren't after shoaling fish necessarily, consider some kind of gourami. 90 gallons is plenty of room for several different species - pearls would be nice.

You could also try some angelfish.

Livebearers such as guppies, platies or swordtails may also make nice additions and are varied and colorful and will breed readily in a planted aquarium.
That would be a lot of neons 0.o As a personal advocate of livebreeding fish, I'd get mollies or platies, however I don't know how they'd look against a heavily planeted background.

A bunch of cories would be cool, however all the action would be at the bottom of the tank, and some cories (mainly mine) like to dig. I'd advise against it, even though it would look cool.

Maybe tetras...? There's lots of different kinds to choose from...

Or clown loaches. You couldn't get as many (maybe 9-10..?) but hey, everyone loves loaches ^^
80 tetras in a 90G? I have a 75G, and I really can't imagine having a school anywhere near that size. It might be possible... I dunno.

If you want a one species tank, then I would get an oscar. I think it would be awesome to get a little baby one and watch it grow. However since you want a planted tank, oscars might be a bad idea.

But, if you want to stick with tiny schooling fish, then totally go with harlequin rasboras. They are so pretty :wub: A huge school of tiger barbs would be even more fun! Yes, go with the tiger barbs!
You could get 3-4 clown loaches, some honey gouramis, schooling fish (serpaes are very beautiful :nod: ), dwarf cichlids, cories, peacock gudgeons, badis species, bamboo shrimp, ghost shrimp, malayan snails, or some other small peaceful inhabitants :) The things I mentioned would make for a pretty balanced tank, but it's your decision overall :D

EDIT: You only want 1 type of fish, oops -_- I really can't recommend a single species, it would be too boring IMO :dunno:
well....... those all sound nice buuuuttt.... i would put about 40 african cichlids in that baby, now that would be the ultimate species tank,a dn yes an oscar or maybe two would be an awsome choice too!
im not about the oscar, i had one before...not for me. i did mean to say cardinal tetras..sorry. i think im either going to go with my first idea, either the neons or the cardinal tetras. its a toss up at this point.
I would go with cardinals as they are tougher than neon tetra's and neon tetra's are prone to NTD.
omg :hyper: ...80 cardinals would be awesome!!! It would be possible for a schoal that size, they may split into two, but that would just make it cooler!

I'd go for it!!!

If you stick with your original idea, ya gotta post pics :)

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