Need sponge filter advice


Fish Crazy
Sep 14, 2024
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I've been struggling with mine for a bit. Flow was low at all times, made me think it was the air pump.

My second new pump arrived today, so I plugged it in and the filter was giving very few bubbles and a light flow. Mind you the pump's for 100L+ tanks!

I plugged the pump to the air stone.. Guess what? The flow is very strong and very good.

So I dunno what's up...

I did a 10L water change by occasion, so I cleaned out the filter (not so much, was more of a rinse) and switched sides of the inside tube that holds the sponge.

The flow became stronger!!! Not to true potential of the pump, but better than before. Weird.

Ususally this meant the air pump dying before. I'd get a new one and flow would change, this time doesn't really seem the case.

When I did the large water change during the mini cycle, I unplugged the pump. After plugging it back, the flow was bit better. And from yesterday to today, it died again.

So I took out the cage part, put the ring to the dent in the sponge and flow is stronger than I've seen it in a long run.

I know that I need a new sponge filter, but I'm broke as I screwed myself up. I'm only looking for ideas as to what I could do for the time being.
Check all the internal places where air goes through . You may have a mineral build up from the water restricting air flow and the air stone bypassed one of them .
Nope, there's nothing inside the filter.

Air stone was connected to the only pump by disconnecting the filter.
Do you have the exact make and model of your filter, the method to unclog the air diffuser depends on that.

Or a picture of the "thing" in question, sponge filter habitually last nearly forever but the air input can become clogged and prevent air from entering.

If your pump is good and your sponge is clean it should be running great. A cleanup of the air injector should fix it.
Do you have the exact make and model of your filter, the method to unclog the air diffuser depends on that.

Or a picture of the "thing" in question, sponge filter habitually last nearly forever but the air input can become clogged and prevent air from entering.

If your pump is good and your sponge is clean it should be running great. A cleanup of the air injector should fix it.
It's an Aqua One corner sponge.

The thing is just a cage (looks like it but cylinder). You put it inside the sponge then put on weighted foot and that's it.

I've checked it today, nothing is clogged bruh.
Sorry, But without knowing how it works, It's impossible to have a based suggestion.

Is it like this one ? Where does the air comes in ?


The exact place that clogs is where the air meets the water.

If you have very hard water you might want to give it a vinegar treatment to remove crud.
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Sorry, But without knowing how it works, It's impossible to have a based suggestion.

Is it like this one ? Where does the air comes in ?


The exact place that clogs is where the air meets the water.

If you have very hard water you might want to give it a vinegar treatment to remove crud.

Again, there's nothing that's clogging anything in the filter..
Looks like it's working great. You can even slow down the air input.

Sponge filters are slow speed event the beefy ones runs under 100 gph, Small and optimized will go 15-26.

If I understand correctly there's a small air stone at the end of the air tube.

As sad as it can be... Bigger bubbles will have much more draw, by creating vertical lifting air locks, ( in simple terms, the bubbles are large enough to create corks moving upward pulling water in between).

Many people don't really like it because it creates a lot of splashing at the surface and render all gears filthy

That where the nice near surface adjustable 90° water output some filter has, comes in, as "Miraculous".

Another factor to keep in mind is that, if you push too much air in, the filter, it will start to back fire instead of pulling.

Physical limitation, If your air pressure overrides too much the water pressure in the tank at some point everything become equal.
I used to have the same filter when I had a betta. I found that it did clog. At the bottom of the central core is a piece of plastic with fine holes - I had to poke a dressmaking pin through the holes to unclog them.
Any sponge filter will have it's weak point in that matter. And it is always where the air meets the water.
If I understand correctly there's a small air stone at the end of the air tube.
No? I don't use an air stone. I've already said I disconnected filter from the pump and attached the air stone to make sure the pump works..
Looks like it's working great. You can even slow down the air input.
i have it where i want it actually, I like strong flow and I love to overfilter lol.

I'm not sure if the fry are liking it tho, they're kinda just hanging out here and some have clamped fins and sometimes shimmy.

I used to have the same filter when I had a betta. I found that it did clog. At the bottom of the central core is a piece of plastic with fine holes - I had to poke a dressmaking pin through the holes to unclog them.
I looked through mine, I haven't found anything that would clog it.. It's a mystery unless rearranging the cage helped. I'm losing my braincells with the filter, it's like it's got a soul 💀
Essjay indicated where to check, but your filter does not look like the air input is restricted.

The apparent higher output airflow does not mean higher water flow trough the filter tho.
I found the bits for the filter a few days ago while I was looking for something else. If I can remember where it was I'll take some photos.
Essjay indicated where to check, but your filter does not look like the air input is restricted.

The apparent higher output airflow does not mean higher water flow trough the filter tho.
I think I did put the cage thing in the wrong way and somehow maybe was losing pressure or something. Since it's all dandy for now, I'll just watch it and see if that happens again or not.

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