Need Someone Familiar With Indian Almond Leaves

I ordered some of this:

I was thinking about getting organic peat moss from like Lowes, but it would make my water SUPER dark. According to reviews (and EHEIM's product description), this peat doesn't change the water color and it supposedly can drop my pH down as low as 6.3-ish. I'll keep this thread updated!
As low as 6.3 can cause problem with the cherrys. If you can get it settle at 6.8 would be best and try to make the change as slow as possible.
It means as low as 6.3 as in you can get it that low. But the less peat you put in the filter, the less the pH drops. I'm shooting for 6.7-6.8.
I got the peat in the mail today... I put some in my HOB filter and after 3 hours, the water coming directly out of the HOB is 7.0! Finally something that works! It's called EHEIM Torf pellets for anyone interested.
I've never been a fan of tinkering with water params but I have a rotpunkt that just refuses to breed so I took the plunge and bought some alder cones and almond leaves. Like ianeberle, I was considering peat but while researching found way too many instances of ph drops which occured to fast and fell to low hurting fish and more importantly bacs.

If anyone knows how to use ial or alder cones (Number of cones/leaf per gallon etc) or perhaps how to combine the two I'd be extremely greatful.

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