Need Some Info


New Member
Apr 10, 2012
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Hello every one, I came here for some tips and tricks from the expert's.

So right now I have a 40 gallon tank set up and running. I have a whisper 60 filter that came with the tank and a Tetrea ex 30 that came from my old tank(20 gallons).
The fish that I have stocked in there right now are as follows. 3 Diamond Mollies(still babies), 3 Bala sharks, 2 Angle fish, 1 Pleco, 1 clown loach, 1 Blue Gourami, and 9 Platy's which is to many I feel.
I have no real plants but many fake ones with a sand substrate.
I want to make sure that my fish have the best possible chance at being happy and healthy
My question is...Do I have the right fish in the tank together(they all seem to get along)?
Once I get the 20 gallon back up and running with live plants who should I move to it?
Anything more should I be doing?

Any advice or help would make me and my fish very happy, Thanks!
Hi Wyatt. Not to be a bubble buster or anything, but you said that you want to make sure that your fish have the best chance at being happy and healthy. Bala sharks need a very large tank, 6 foot in length if I remember correctly. These guys get 14 to 16 inches in length and dart when frightened and they need to be in a school (6 of them). The pleco depending on the type may grow to be 18 inches long and may need to be in a 75 gallon tank (again depending on the type). The clown loach also is a large fish when mature and needs to be in a large tank roughly 75 gallons (4 foot minimum). The angel fish need a tall tank, at least 18 inches tall for proper fin shape. Other than these guys though, everything looks to be good.

Sorry to be the guy to come in and tell you all of this, but since you were asking for advice for the well being of your stock I felt that I should say something.
Agree with drobbyb (drobbyb is an excellent aquarist and definately a good person to get some advice from!)

Often it is really good to find out quickly about fish that aren't going to work out because of size issues. You can start the process of finding appropriate homes for them, after which you can make adjustments to the other fish that will work with your aquarium volumes.

I suppose one of the other priorities will be for the members to find out whether you have other beginner issues. Is the filter cycled for instance? Are you aware of weekly maintenance habits? Things of that sort, assuming you pop back in for a look at this forum.

Agree with drobbyb (drobbyb is an excellent aquarist and definately a good person to get some advice from!)

Often it is really good to find out quickly about fish that aren't going to work out because of size issues. You can start the process of finding appropriate homes for them, after which you can make adjustments to the other fish that will work with your aquarium volumes.

I suppose one of the other priorities will be for the members to find out whether you have other beginner issues. Is the filter cycled for instance? Are you aware of weekly maintenance habits? Things of that sort, assuming you pop back in for a look at this forum.


Thanks for the vote of confidence! It's good to see you are still here posting :)
No aquariums up and running currently. Working on a bunny breeding project with my 4 year old daughter and a garden as soon as I can break up this hard clay soil (my tiller is too light duty to do it so I have to break it into clods with a mattock first, kinda slow going). We purchased a home in the midst of a few horse pastures and have my 8 month old great nephew living with us along with the mother of a friend who had no place to go. So the house is full and we are busy in the church. Life is good!
No aquariums up and running currently. Working on a bunny breeding project with my 4 year old daughter and a garden as soon as I can break up this hard clay soil (my tiller is too light duty to do it so I have to break it into clods with a mattock first, kinda slow going). We purchased a home in the midst of a few horse pastures and have my 8 month old great nephew living with us along with the mother of a friend who had no place to go. So the house is full and we are busy in the church. Life is good!

Aww, bunnies! And I agree with you on the fish. I'm trying to re-home a common pleco right now, but It's a pain since they take up space that no one has :(
Alright, hang in there with that mattock Robby - I had to do a bunch of that after Hurricane FRAN back in '96, bet you remember that one! WD
I was on the USS Enterprise in the Mediterranean on deployment during that hurricane. I remember stuffing uniforms into huge industrial washers and dryers with sweat pouring off my head... Memories... lol!
I was on the USS Enterprise in the Mediterranean on deployment during that hurricane. I remember stuffing uniforms into huge industrial washers and dryers with sweat pouring off my head... Memories... lol!

I visited the USS Enterprise in Singapore, a cross visit from our Royal Navy boat.
OOps, apologies for the late night thread hijack :crazy:

I think our hijack is ok. If Wyat comes back the advice can continue. A forum is supposed to be fun, regardless of which area of it you are in, at least until it gets out of hand lol. WD
Welcome to the forum Wyattguzoto. I see that WD is already on things here, along with drobbyb so I will go off to find someone who really needs my help.

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