Fish Addict
Today I went to buy some African dwarf frogs, but when I got to the store there weren't any. Instead, there were "clawfooted frogs." They were SO cute! I wanted to get one...or two...but I decided to come home and do some research first since none of the workers knew anything about the frogs. They were pretty big. About 3 inches long in the body, I'd say. And they were white with little black toes. I wanted to put them in m 55 gallon with some mollies, platies, guppies and neon tetras. Would this work? Would he pick on the fish? Would the fish pick on him? Would he eat the fish? Does he need any special care, special food, etc? Any help that anyone could give me would be much appreciated. If they're compatible, I'm going to get one...or two...Monday afternoon. Let me know, please!