Need Some Ideas!


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
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I have a 55 gallon tank thats already up and going but I only have a few fish. I was thinking and decided that i want to go with fish that are good looking and live in a school. I need some ideas, tropical fish only. I am willing to go out of my way to take care of and maintain the fish if they happen to be tough fish to keep. I also plan on landscaping my whole tank.
i was thinking about it but decided against because i have had the mall my life and want to try something new. Maybe neons or danios but i dont know much about either. I want something that will look really good swimming togetner in a well landscaped tank.
or a shoal i dont know the difference. whatever would look really good swimming around together in a nice tank.
do neons shoal or school or whatever it is. I would go with them because i know i can find them cheap but what kind is best and most colorful. Will different kinds of neons shoal together so i can have a whole variation of them or only certain ones will shoal together.
Which fish do you currently have in the tank?
For a 55g, 6 Roseline Barbs would be awesome. That's about hte most you could have, as they are extremely active and fast fish, but it would still be good. They get to 6 or 7 inches, max. Another option is a large school of cardinal tetras. They look particularly good in a planted tank, but even if it's not planted it'll still be nice. I think about 25 would be good, they get to 2 inches max, and don't add much bioload.
Great i know what kind of fish i am going to get but i dont know how i am going to landscape my tank to compliment the look of the cardinal tetra. If anyone has good pics of a nicely landscaped tank i would really apreciate it. I want to get started today.
I love my shoal (currently 7) of harlequins. If you get them really small most grow to a good size, say 25mm. They glow in the right light and the way they feed is entertaining ie. darting to the surface and back from mid-tank. :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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