Need some help

It could absolutely be part of it. Temperature fluctuations can drive these little guys nuts. Sometimes it's better to have no heater at all, than to have a heater that fluctuates so badly.

If your room temperature usually stays pretty stable, and doesn't get cool, then you can probably ease him off the heater and just go without. However, if the room temperature fluctuates as badly as the tank temperature, it's probably time to buy a different heater.

This could solve your problem entirely, as it is possible that this is what is causing him to stress out and eat his tail. But it's also possible that this is just a contributory factor, and there's a larger problem, or a bunch of small problems, contributing to his behavior. Regardless, it's worth a try to stablize his temperature as much as you possibly can.
eudielynn said:
Yes, it's pretty dark. I have dark drapes on the windows, and the house is surrounded by trees, so unless someone comes in and turns a light on, it is pretty dark. I left the light on in his tank at first, but it made the sides of his tank reflective and he was flaring at himself too much so I stopped doing that.

As for the temp, right now it is staying at about 80, but my heater doesn't have a control on it and I have to watch it like a hawk. I even call the hubby three or four times a day and have him check it for me. The highest I have ever seen it is 82, and then I pull the plug immediately until it drops a few degrees. Do you think that could be part of it?
What size tank is he in agian?
I'm sorry, I just can't remember....
I added the heater after having him a few days because the temp stayed at about 70 degrees without it. I felt like that was way too cool for him to be comfortable. I also will be running air conditioning through the summer and thought he might get too cold with it running.

The heater was the smallest I could find, and the instructions said it would raise the temp 2 to 5 degrees above room temperature. Obviously, it raises it more than that. Guess I will have to get another heater this weekend, too. :-(

BM - It's a 2 gal.
I'd pick up a 25 watt heater.
I will say it's for a tank bigger than 2 gallons but I have a Neptune 25W in Louis' tank and it works beautifully. I'd firstly get the heater and get the temp regulated at about 79 degrees and get him into a room with a little more activity.

I bet it will make a world of difference in the tailbiting once you get his temp regulated. :)
I went home last night and re-did his tank, took out the heater that was in there, took out the terra cotta pot (I read about someone's betta getting their head stuck in the little hole in the bottom) and moved his plant around. I also gave him a water change with salt added. He looked a little confused last night, and poked around the bottom a lot like he was trying to find his pot. The fin did not look any worse thank goodness. I get another heater tomorrow and try to get the temp regulated. I am also going to get the blackwater extract then and try some of that in his water. My hubby has promised he will spend more time with him today and try to keep him from getting so bored. :wub: He's such a sweetie. (My husband, not the fish). ( :p Okay, the fish is a sweetie, too :p ). Wish me luck and thanks for all the great advice.
That's so sweet that your hubby is gonna spend time with him.

Let us know if you start to see some new fin growth. You should see some pretty quickly! :)
You could always give him his pot back. Just plug a hole in the bottom. For instance, you could use aquarium sealant to pack gravel into there and glue it there. But that's just one example. Could do a bunch of things to eliminate the hole, so the pot would be Betta safe.
I had thought about that, do you know if you can get the sealant at Petsmart? I'm going there today after work for blackwater extract.

He is doing better by the way. I had a little bubblenest when I got home last night. It's only the second one he's ever made. :wub:
I can't imagine why you WOULDN'T be able to find sealant at Petsmart. I think I've seen it there, but I've never exactly looked, so I can't tell you for sure. But they SHOULD have it.
eudielynn said:
I had thought about that, do you know if you can get the sealant at Petsmart? I'm going there today after work for blackwater extract.

He is doing better by the way. I had a little bubblenest when I got home last night. It's only the second one he's ever made. :wub:
He must be liking the changes you've given him :)
Are you seeing any growth in his fins at all?

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