Need Some Help With Newer Tank


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
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Hello everyone,

This is my first post on the forums here. I need some assistance on my tank.

I have a 29 Gal. tank that has been set up for 6 weeks with a fish cycle. Ive been doing 30% water changes every 3 days. I do not have any test kits so i cant give any stats on my water conditions although im hoping to get the testing kits this coming weekend. (any recommendations?)

Fish in my Tank:

10 neon tetras
3 guppy
4 platy (one fry)
1 cory cat

I have on rock, 3 plants (fake, one the height of the tank, one medium and one short, also have 2 bushy things for fry to hide in)

The fish have been added slowly, i started out with 4 platy and worked my way up from there, I have lost a few fish during the cycle but over all i think it went fairly well.

The problem i am having now is my tank is now getting spots of a green/brown algae. This started after putting in an algae wafer for my cory cat. What can i do to get rid of this? Should i just get a couple more aglae eaters for my tank or is there something else that i should do.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


corys are more carnivorous, so plec wafers aren't suitable for them, they don't eat algae either.
corys are also sociable and need more of their own company

you could try and get some oto catfish though, they'll clear up that algae pretty sharpish.

it's not unusual though, algae often occurs around that time in a new tank's life. it'll begin to clear up after a few months i think.

you can use a magnet cleaner to clean the glass
I ended up getting two chinese algae eaters last night to help me along with my algae problem.


I think I read on here that chinese algae eaters grow to 10" so I don't know if your tank will be big enough for them, also they can get aggresive. I am also new to this so somebody more experienced will give you more information.
corys are more carnivorous, so plec wafers aren't suitable for them, they don't eat algae either.

i have to disagree with this!!! my cories love the algae wafers i put in for my pleco! so do my mollies!

Have a read in the fish index about chinese algae eaters, i'd take them back if you have chance. Your cory should be in a group of 3 or more so i'd get some more friends for it asap.


Welcome to the forum :hi:
:eek: I think they eat other fishes eyes out or sumthin'! Am i right anyone???

As they get older they lose their taste for algae and become more aggressive...

Dunno about the eye thing though
Chinese Algae Eaters are a bad bad idea, especially with neons in then tank. The CAE is fine as a community fish right up until it gets to be about 3-4" long. At that point it becomes very aggressive. 10" is generally the length of wild specimens, 7" seems to be the max in an aquarium though. I've not heard about the eye thing but I do know that once they get bigger, small fish like neons start disappearing.
I will definately keep an eye on them then. Right now they are only about 1" so i should be okay for a little while. The reason i got them was because of an algae problem im having with my tank.

Any other ideas to help with this problem since the CAE's arent a long term solution?



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